Comment 3 for bug 175563

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Ricardo Marmolejo GarcĂ­a (makiolo) wrote :

Thanks, but ...

I have Apache + PHP and I can see php interpreted url type http://localhost/phpinfo.php.
When we opened with firefox file:///var/www/phpinfo.php appears dialogue open / download, OK no problem. Firefox is a browser html and could not interpret the php, showing it could just as plain text if the mimes are configured to do so.
The problem with kompozer it like this, if I put in teminal:
Kompozer file:///var/www/phpinfo.php
Kompozer should allow editing the file as HTML, I do not want to interpret php, only to edit it.
The proof that kompozer would be able to do so is that kompozer file:///var/www/phpinfo.php~ works perfectly, as a backup, with a different extension .php
