Comment 5 for bug 43788

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Ingo Oeser (kubuntu-bugs-axxeo) wrote : Re: [Bug 43788] Re: Maintainers kmix session was included in the settings

Hi Jonathan,

sorry for the late answer.

Jonathan Riddell schrieb:
> Is there actually a problem with this?

A session or session id is sth. which should never be included
in a package. There is no OBSERVED bad behavior of kmix.

Sessions should always be created by the software on USAGE never
on INSTALLATION of software.

> The file is needed to start kmix at the start of the session.

Then this is a KDE bug (kmix doesn't start without fake session).
Please file a bug for the upstream package. This seems more like
a workaround for a bug, rather than a requirement for kmix.

Many thanks!


Ingo Oeser
Ingo Oeser
axxeo GmbH
Tiestestr. 16, 30171 Hannover
Tel. +49-511-4753706
Fax. +49-511-4753716

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