Comment 26 for bug 268447

Revision history for this message
Bernd "Siggy" Brentrup (bsb) wrote :

I installed landscape-common after reading it's long description from the main
distribution on my 9.04, still having it on my TODO list for checking usefulness.
Only after posting to u-users about a new quality of SPAM in my /etc/motd I
learned that this package was the culprit.

Comparing the bunch of files this package installs to the limited usefulness
if you are not a landscape customer, it definitely is not worth installing.
I doubt the values diplayed in motd are of any use to anyone when login
in, they might be if current at the time of login but afaict they are generated
by a cron job, a python script generating this stuff on the fly would be <100 LOC.

Please change the wording in the long description to clarify the limited usefulness,
to non customers. If it can go into main with this restriction is another story, contrib
comes to mind in Debian terms

  Siggy (ex-dd)