Comment 8 for bug 1696929

Revision history for this message
Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote : Re: Touchpads are unresponsive and laggy


1. sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
2. Log out
3. On the login screen select session "Ubuntu on Xorg"
4. After logging in, disable hysteresis:
   synclient HorizHysteresis=0 VertHysteresis=0

This won't cure laggy hardware but it will at least eliminate the software lag in touchpad response.

Next, since you're now using Xorg and not Wayland, you likely are also using the Intel graphics driver for Xorg. The intel xorg graphics driver is also laggier than Wayland by default (by one frame or ~16.6ms). You can fix that by creating a /etc/X11/xorg.conf with:

Section "Device"
  Identifier "MyLaptop"
  Driver "intel"
  Option "TripleBuffer" "off"

Although this does risk hurting the framerate smoothness of gnome-shell while it is still relatively young and un-optimized, you can choose between smoother graphics ("TripleBuffer" "on") or lower latency ("TripleBuffer" "off").