Comment 5 for bug 949097

Revision history for this message
mstfa cmly (mstfacmly) wrote : Re: Serial Wacom Tablet touch not initalized when logged in

Timo: I already tried this with the guest account. My wording in the original bug is unclear, and Jason did provide with a more accurate description: The Touch device is set to 'relative' mode on login rather than 'absolute'.

I can set it to absolute manually using xsetwacom, however, this would be lost on suspend/resume or a logout.

xsetwacom --list devices
Serial Wacom Tablet stylus id: 13 type: STYLUS
Serial Wacom Tablet eraser id: 15 type: ERASER
Serial Wacom Tablet touch id: 16 type: TOUCH

$ xsetwacom --get 16 all
Option "Area" "0 0 2640 1630"
'Button' requires exactly 1 value(s).
Option "ToolDebugLevel" "0"
Option "TabletDebugLevel" "0"
Option "Suppress" "2"
Option "RawSample" "4"
Option "PressureCurve" "0 0 100 100"
Option "Mode" "Relative"
Property 'Wacom Hover Click' does not exist on device.
Option "Touch" "on"
Option "Gesture" "on"
Option "ZoomDistance" "116"
Option "ScrollDistance" "51"
Option "TapTime" "250"
Property 'Wacom Proximity Threshold' does not exist on device.
Option "Rotate" "none"
Property 'Wacom Wheel Buttons' does not exist on device.
Property 'Wacom Wheel Buttons' does not exist on device.
Property 'Wacom Wheel Buttons' does not exist on device.
Property 'Wacom Wheel Buttons' does not exist on device.
Property 'Wacom Wheel Buttons' does not exist on device.
Property 'Wacom Wheel Buttons' does not exist on device.
Property 'Wacom Strip Buttons' does not exist on device.
Property 'Wacom Strip Buttons' does not exist on device.
Property 'Wacom Strip Buttons' does not exist on device.
Property 'Wacom Strip Buttons' does not exist on device.
Option "Threshold" "27"
Option "ToolType" "337"
Option "ToolSerial" "0"
Option "ToolID" "0"
Option "ToolSerialPrevious" "0"
Option "BindToSerial" "0"
Option "TabletID" "227"