Comment 51 for bug 1071209

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CarbonPepper (carbonpepper) wrote :

Users are still exposed to this bug.

That the bug is fixed in the repo isn't going to help people as memtest86 is run from a liveCD or Live USB.

The buggy version is still in the download for 12.10, even though it's fixed in the repo. It's also in the 12.10 secure remix.
Confirmed: I downloaded 12.10 64 bit today. Memtest86+ is v4.20. The Test #7 fails with good memory- false positive.

Recommend the downloads should also contain the fix and perhaps amend fix status to be more helpful?

People are going to get a fresh download, create a bootable CD or LiveUSB directly from the download without involving the repo - and get the false positives.

I have a problem with a machine and I've spent many hours running tests - I'd read about this bug, saw the the "fix released" status and initially eliminated it as a problem in my investigations. I'm sure others will do this also and assume fix released means it's in the latest downloads.

Even if you use the principle of RTFM, a false status against a false positive will be a headache to work around.

My impact is I have a new machine and I made the supplier send me 4x 8Gb RAM replacements which weren't actually needed, plus 26 hours testing time wasted. I would spare others that pain if I could.

With my MB / RAM config I'm getting the false positive with every ram stick in any slot, so if I can help with further testing I'd be happy to.