Comment 9 for bug 480564

Revision history for this message
Sonny (aadityabhatia) wrote :

In my case, the failure to mount the ntfs partition was only because the mount point was missing. `service udev stop; sleep 2; service udev start` stopped the continuous logging in /var/log/syslog and /var/log/daemon.log, but I was able to re-trigger it by `mount -a`. Looking at /etc/fstab and checking which partitions weren't mounted, I was able to narrow it down to the ntfs partition. `mount /dev/sdaX /media/drv0` revealed that the target mount point directory was missing.

Note: `service udev restart` didn't stop the log messages, so I had to run `service udev stop; sleep 2; service udev start`

Looks like it's been fixed in Lucid. A meaningful error message somewhere, like "mount failed for XXX reason", would be a plus.