Comment 71 for bug 1727356

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Traumflug (mah-jump-ing) wrote :

When putting emphasis on a stable system, staying with Xorg is probably a good idea for the time being. While I use Xwayland daily now, it definitely comes with a number of quirks.

- Transparency comes and goes. For example, moving a window to near the top of the screen makes the top menu bar intransparent.

- Sometimes shadows flicker around, which probably want to be window frame shadows, but get misplaced.

- Copy & Paste by left/middle mouse button sometimes works, sometimes not. Be prepared to use Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V more often and/or to check every pasted text.

- gnome-shell collects a lot more memory. Currently at ~500 MB after two days of usage.

- Commodities like 'sudo synaptic' no longer work, it needs 'xhost +local:; sudo synaptic'. sudo somehow doesn't forward screen settings.

Ignoring such quirks, it runs at least stable. No crashes so far. And screen drawing happens faster.