Comment 141 for bug 1164016

Revision history for this message
teo1978 (teo8976) wrote :


if by "they" you mean the upstream Nautilus developers, that's right: they don't even understand it's a bug. The Gnome development team, or at least the part responsible for Naitulus, has proven many times to be a bunch of idiots. For the last several years, they have taken many design decision that completely destroyed the usability of their software.

But the Ubuntu team seems to be more intelligent. In the past they have patched several things in Nautilus and perhaps other Gnome products to fix the idiotic mistakes made upstream. This was one of them.

Now the question is: does Ubuntu consider it worth to keep doing the patching to fix the upstream idiocies in Nautilus? If that is the case, then this, among other things, needs to be fixed. Again.

If not, if they are going to rely on the upstream developers fixing upstream issues, then they must drop Nautilus in favor of some other file manager that is not maintained by a bunch of idiots.