Comment 54 for bug 37239

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Piotr R. Sidorowicz (prsidoro) wrote :

I have the same problem as Marcus in Gutsy:
... networkmanager-openvpn and resolv.conf gets modified...
after a while dhclient(?) comes and overrides the modifications made by network-manager-openvpn...

It is quite obvious as the NetworkManager changes to the resolv.conf file have a distinct comment.
I was under the impression that dhclient can be run with an option such that is doesn't modify the resolv.conf file.
Perhaps re-starting dhclient with that option after vpn is established would do the trick; do the same w/o the option avter vpn is terminated.

I have another related issue with NetworkManager and VPN (perhaps the nm-applet as well).
If one chooses to use manual settings, the vpn menus disappear. This doesn't make sense. One should be able to use static settings and vpn together. This would also render the above-mentioned dhclient issue moot, as dhclient should not be running and interfering with /etc/resolv.conf