Comment 17 for bug 450645

Revision history for this message
Ross Golder (ross-golder) wrote :

Thanks, Nathan.

FWIW, working from your patch, I added /dev/null as an argument to the grep, and had the 'cut' take the third field (as the first is now the filename), threw in a 'head -1' (hackishly, as I know that's the only one I need to update) and have now successfully completed the postinst.

In my case, I modified the lines to the following (sorry, not in patch format):

grep -h olcSuffix ${SLAPD_CONF}/cn\=config/olcDatabase* /dev/null | head -1 | cut -d: -f 3

grep "olcDbDirectory:" `grep -l "olcSuffix: $1" ${SLAPD_CONF}/cn\=config/olcDatabase*.ldif` /dev/null | head -1 | cut -d: -f 3 | sed 's/^ *//g'