Comment 37 for bug 835833

Revision history for this message
jth (jth) wrote :

Sorry to reply to everyone but the mail to Simon is no longer working. Also a note to Steve L.

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
--[cut] DNS Error: Domain name not found

> I've tested the patch in #24 but it doesn't work. Still it shows the warning/error.

>both folders are empty. In my Ubuntu (12.10) the folder "/var/run" is a link of "/run/".
>The init script creates the "/run/rpcbind" folder.
>/etc/default/rpcbind and /etc/rpcbind.conf don't exist.

Then I do not see why you got the error message that complain about an option you are no longer using. It works for me.

Check your init scipt..
w3:/etc/init# tail -n11 portmap.conf
        if [ -e /run/rpcbind/portmap.xdr ] || [ -e /run/rpcbind/rpcbind.xdr ] ; then
        if [ -f /etc/default/rpcbind ]; then
                . /etc/default/rpcbind
        elif [ -f /etc/rpcbind.conf ]; then
                . /etc/rpcbind.conf
        exec rpcbind $OPTIONS
end script

w3:~# ps aux | grep rpcbi
root 1886 0.0 0.0 19208 1068 ? Ss 08:11 0:00 rpcbind

To Steve Langasek how many are using and really need this warmstart compared to how many are getting this error message?
It is a nice feature if you often restart this service often on a file-server but far from everyone need to use warmstart and even less need to restart this service at all. If someone want this feature they can add it to the their configuration. Do not force it on everyone where it is not needed and also dispalys errors.

A better option is to just remove the -w in OPTIONS alltogether. No need to make global changes for everyone in corner cases. Please, note it in the NEWS and readme and upstream can fix this warmstart display issue when they want to.
