Comment 6 for bug 722159

Revision history for this message
Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) wrote :

Hey tarun again

I could not find this change superceeded in the debian version you are merging

   * lib/Sbuild/ use -o APT::Install-Recommends=false
       instead of --no-install-recommends as it is not a valid option in
       Dapper schroots. This is Ubuntu-specific and can be removed once Dapper
       goes EoL.


     * When running apt-get, use "-o APT::Install-Recommends=false"
        rather than "--no-install-recommends" in order to support older
        releases (Closes: #609811). Thanks to Marc Deslauriers.

So you should mention in the changelog as a dropped change because its included in debian


I find this change

--- sbuild-0.60.9.orig/bin/sbuild-createchroot
+++ sbuild-0.60.9/bin/sbuild-createchroot
@@ -157,8 +157,7 @@
 # Make sure fakeroot and build-essential are installed
 $conf->set('INCLUDE', add_items($conf->get('INCLUDE'),
- "build-essential",
- "debfoster"));
+ "build-essential"));

 my $suite = $ARGV[0];
 # Create the target directory in advance so abs_path (which is buggy)

which corresponds to this change in the previous merge changelog entries

- bin/sbuild-createchroot: do not install debfoster into the chroots
  because it is in universe and not needed for package building itself.

which is missing in your present merge debdiff above

Please update the changelog correctly

PS: I'm unsubsribing sponsors as I am going to take care of uploading this merge
