Comment 68 for bug 1347305

Revision history for this message
In , Mcoates (mcoates) wrote :

Most of the users of Thunderbird are normally in my expectation people who want an email system that just works. It does not need all the bells and whistles, skins and fashionable features, it just needs to work. Change for the sake of change is not a good option. If somebody wants to change something allow them to download and run as an ad in but please leave the basic configuration of Thunderbird email alone. It has been discussed and mentioned many times that we all consider the layout, the visual cleanness and the operation of the program to be perfect, please don't change this just for the sake of making changes. I have had to revert many computers back to previous versions like 24 and it worries me that I may be leaving my email system vulnerable by not having the latest versions with all of the security enhancements. One of the big problems I have is, now I have turned off automatic updating so I have no idea when will be the correct time to update again and I don't know when the problems we are mentioning will be fixed. I hope that I am not leaving myself open to email security issues.

Just remember, because something has been the same for a long time does not mean it is broken! Please leave the layout and functionality the same and allow people the option to change the look and customise the program themselves without you forcing it on us