Comment 1 for bug 292929

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Kristoffer Lundén (kristoffer-lunden) wrote :

Ubuntu 8.10
transmission-common 1.34-0ubuntu2
transmission-gtk 1.34-0ubuntu2

I have the same problem, though the effects for me is less severe (I don't have that bug). For me it's more like:

Expected: I have a few torrents going. I am moving to another location, so I suspend the machine, and when I wake it up in the new place it reconnects to internet and the torrents resume.

Actual: I try to suspend the machine, but Transmission says: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.", so instead I have to mark all torrents and pause them, then resume, then in new location repeat the same process in reverse - if I remember to...

Maybe some people with desktop computers forget that they are seeding or something, but for laptops this is a killer - especially if I close the lid and go for a bit longer trip...