Comment 4 for bug 1037001

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Stéphane Graber (stgraber) wrote :

15:58 < seb128> cjwatson, ev, stgraber: do you know if is a known issue?
15:58 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 1037001 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[l10n][zh_CN] Indicator menus should be fully localized for installer" [High,New]
15:58 -!- mdz_ [~<email address hidden>] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:58 < seb128> seems like the ubiquity panel process (in ubiquity only mode) is not running under the right locale
15:58 < seb128> the translations are there and used in live session mode
15:59 < stgraber> seb128: I don't think it's a known issue but I can certainly see what's going on
15:59 < stgraber> seb128: the problem is that the installer always starts in the default locale (english)
15:59 -!- Streamstormer [~<email address hidden>] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:00 < stgraber> then it changes to whatever the language is in the preseed or chosen in the dialog
16:00 < seb128> I guess it's too late to fix for .1 now?
16:00 < stgraber> ubiquity itself updates to use the right language, but the rest of the environment can't be updated
16:00 < stgraber> I think so, because I have no idea how to solve it