Comment 24 for bug 89069

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tillicollaps3 (tillicollapse85) wrote :

Tried to set BIOS hour to UTC but same problem.

My opinion is that Ubuntu is the best OS ever created and this little missing can discourage seriously a first-time user who installs ubuntu after a life spent with XP, and a critical error at the first boot will bring him back to microsoft side. Something with time is really messed up, because at installation time (with Bios time set to local) when choosing time zone the hour appears wrong (ex.after setting Rome as choosen time-zone, time is shown with two hours more than the real, 8:00 appears as 10:00) but after reboot (2 reboots because of the critical error with fsck) all seems to works fine and the hour shown is the right one (8:00).
This problem should be checked as soon as possible because it can, as already said, discourage who for the first time is approaching this beautiful OS, at major reason if this regards the '+' time zones (this means millions of people).
Hoping for the best, and for an answer (this time ;) )

Bye, Marco.

PS If something seems not clear it's because i'm italian :)