Comment 54 for bug 2034986

Revision history for this message
Gunnar Hjalmarsson (gunnarhj) wrote :

Since I propose yet another SRU, I created bug #2039356. This bug report is quite noisy already...

My examination of the flavors with respect to this issue focused on two questions:

1. Does the u-r-u model effectively prevent 'the unreadable text issue' when the desktop font in use — whether default or set by the user — has changed during the cycle?

After the changes proposed via bug #2039356 I would say "yes" for:

 Ubuntu Desktop
 Ubunu Budgie
 Ubuntu Cinnamon
 Ubuntu Kylin
 Ubuntu MATE
 Ubuntu Unity

while the model (i.e. temporarily changing a dconf value which represents the desktop font) is not effective for:


In case of Kubuntu and Lubuntu the Qt way of dealing with fonts seems to require something else, and the Xfce way applied in Xubuntu means similar difficulties. Fortunately all those flavors use a desktop font by default (Noto Sans) which was not changed during the cycle, so this does not need to be addressed for mantic.

But if you like, you can trigger the 23.04 -> 23.10 upgrade issue in for instance Xubuntu: Go to Settings -> Appearance -> Fonts and change the "Default Font" from Noto Sans to Ubuntu. Doing so will be reflected both in the ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xsettings.xml file and in dconf (gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name), but changing the font-name dconf value only to something else during upgrade (as we do) won't change the effective desktop font in Xubuntu, which results in 'the unreadable text issue'.

2. Is the temporary desktop font dconf value properly reset at next login after reboot?

Yes it is, after the changes proposed via bug #2039356.