Comment 21 for bug 1472755

Revision history for this message
MichaƂ Karnicki (karni) wrote :

You're a rockstar Michi, thank you for all this.

We don't have mock data for this purpose, but you could run Telegram off this branch ( will quickly tell you how to, basically ./ -t desktop -d && ./ -t desktop -b will download deps and build it for you). The branch is a quite fresh contribution, but should at least allow you to sign in to Telegram, which would populate the database with your current Tg data. In turn, the scope should surface this data, and hopefully be more representative of a more natural use case (as opposed to being empty).

If you decide to create this ppa, I could promote it in the Telegram feedback group, I'm sure we would have a bunch of helpful folks keen to install this to help pinpoint the problem.