Comment 11 for bug 848115

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Jason Tackaberry (tack) wrote :

This bug is plaguing me very regularly in 11.10 on my laptop (Thinkpad T510). What's interesting is that it doesn't happen on my desktop PC, also running 11.10. Regardless, I suspect it's going to drive me to xfce, because it makes the desktop unusable. So far I haven't had a window lose focus while I was typing in it. Rather, for me happens frequently when unlocking the desktop, or switching between workspaces.

I can reproduce this problem consistently by having a workspace full of gnome-terminals, another workspace with Firefox, and then switching from the terminals workspace to Firefox. (I use a switch-to-workspace-<N> keyboard shortcut, but I've seen it with expose switching as well.) After switching, Firefox always loses focus, and I must click the desktop and click back to Firefox (or minimize/restore, or shade/unshade) to get focus back in Firefox. When I switch back to the terminals workspace, gnome-terminal has focus ok.

unity --reset did not fix the issue for me, but then after --reset I also restored the functionality I need, which is: sloppy focus (autoraise disabled), 6x1 virtual workspaces (with keybindings ctrl-alt-[1234qw]), set the keybinding on the scale plugin to ctrl-alt-r (toggle mode disabled).

At first I suspected sloppy focus, but even after returning to click-to-focus, the problem persists.