Registered by Doug Hellmann

Web Service Made Easy (WSME) simplify the writing of REST web services by providing simple yet powerful typing which removes the need to directly manipulate the request and the response objects.

WSME can work standalone or on top of your favorite python web (micro)framework, so you can use both your prefered way of routing your REST requests and most of the features of WSME that rely on the typing system like:

 * Alternate protocols, including ones supporting batch-calls
 * Easy documentation through a Sphinx extension

WSME is originally a rewrite of TGWebServices with focus on extensibility, framework-independance and better type handling.

The project mailing list is the "python-wsme" google group:!forum/python-wsme

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WSME Drivers
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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