Hi, my fullname is Abimanyu Wachjoewidajat, 43 years old, Indonesian.
Male with 2 kids and 1 wife (OFCOURSE LAH!) :))

"Abah" is how my friends calling me on blog, chats, diving, golf, everywhere. Abah means grandpa in sundanese, maybe because of those grey hair that I can't hide.. pheww.. :-D
Funny that I am happy to be called Abah, coz it's look so close like a family.

I had 23 years experience on computer, its a blessed and luck bound together become a withness of technology growth esspecially in my country. Please have a look to these brief since 1984:
- Firstly learnt CP/M on 1984 (BASIC)
- DOS starting 1985 (BASIC), IBM 3278 (VM/CMS) for National Sports Event "PON XI '85"
- Playing S/36 on 1986 (RPG) for the first Indonesian Air Show
- Back to DOS till 1991 (dBase II, dBase III plus, FoxPro, R:Base for DOS)
- Being an EDP Manager serving a 4 star hotel in Senayan I explored Novell 3.11 (still on R:Base and say goodbye to FoxPro), dive on Pick R91 O/S (RPL) until 1996
- Since 1996 Moved to telco company (a GSM operator) as a Data Center Manager and say hi to "Windows 3.1 for Workgroup" and Windows 95 (MS ACCESS) also on the same time playing on Sun Solaris 6 (ORACLE) running on Sun Starfire 10000 (a mainframe that adapts the supercomputer "Cray" technology. Hmm I like this stuff so much, really powerful, lately I heard i was discontinued coz too expensive for market) Then I got promoted to be a Call Center Systems Manager on the same company but got nothing on technology updates (hiks.. I regret / hates that promotion.. hahhahaha)
- So I quit the telco and say bye to ORACLE on 1998 and then joined an Online Shopping Business back to Win98 (MS VB6)
- Running my own company on 2000 using Win98 (MS ACCESS and MS VB6). Experiencing WinXP starts from 2003 (as I bought IBM Netvista server).
- Playing SUSE and RedHat on 2000 but only for few months coz still so much troubled on peripherals driver and back to WinXP
- Joining an Internet company as Customer Care Manager and Playing Mandrake on 2002 for few months,
- Back to my own company and play on Mandriva on 2004.
- Joining an ISP as GM for Multimedia Division but surprised not much technology used on that company (and seems they couldn't see how an Open Source application could be) ohh.. I felt like back on stone age technology ;)).. and so like to say by to mr Flintstone on 1997 :)) and rather back my own company.
- Play with Ubuntu shortly by last quarter of 2007 (brought in by my staff).
- Being stuborn my self to reject Ubuntu I tried to rely on OpenSUSE but giving up after few months. Seems I can't found any ways to utilitise it to making my life easier :))
- Got surprise on Ubuntu 8.04 on 2008.. wow I'd seen so much improvement. great.. and finally fall in love to Ubuntu :)) :))
and with Compiz Fusion on Ubuntu HH wow I think only an idiot will rejects Ubuntu. *kidding* :-D :-D

Talking about my own company, its a Software House where all programs are still using VB6 running on Windows platform. Since 2002 I made an SMS Gateway (for detail please visit http://www.procell-sms.com) and glad I made a good sell until now. This proCell had indirectly brought me into another career position as a CRM Consultant and SMS Consultant (of course). Presentation, Analysis, Guiding, Training and Bug Fixing is my daily meal ;) not just because I am talented on it but more because I "Like to talk and even too much talking" :-D :-D
Lucky me that my business brought me to know many database like MDB, MySQL, SQL Server, Informix, DB2, Oracle. And there are One thing in common to those databases? yeah you right, its all an SQL-based that easy to adapt and explore. What a great query language.

My hobby is Diving and Golfing. If you want to chat me please drop a message for mas_abi2001 in Yahoo Messenger or email to <email address hidden>

My new routine is become a columnist on a news portal and a news paper.

Talking about Ubuntu, I really.. reaally.. reaaally.. reaaalllyy... love the concept of UBUNTU (I am, because you are). and yet found the Ubuntu is very easy to use. No wonder Ubuntu always become a toplist for months in distrowatch.com and so far in few weeks I managed to do 10 times ubuntu installations and trainig. None of those regreting to have it (what should they regret to have a great software for free).

Keep your good work ubuntu. What I can contribute is to spread it via presentation, training, blogs etc. So let me know if you need me to do such things.

Do you want to know more about me? please have a visit to my blog http://awam.multiply.com but you should learn indonesian language to understand it. ;-)

PS: See I told you, I am talking too much now... :-D :-D :-D okay.. chat you later.. bye

Salam hangat jabat erat,

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