Hello out there.

I'm C. Ortner and the cofounder of the AustrianGeekForce, which currently develops P1tr IRC Bot. See https://launchpad.net/p1tr

Visit #austriangeekforce on irc.freenode.net.


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Europe/Vienna (UTC+0200)
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Warn plugin for P1tr
This plugin enables users with higher levels to warn a user if he acts inappropriately. The third warning results in a kick. The number of warnings and kicks in a user's history is saved.
Sympathy Rating for P1tr
P1tr should measure his sympathy for people by counting, if they thank for P1tr's services, greet him, or give him a snack or a gift. Sympathy is negatively influenced by the offensive commands slap and lart. A result of high sympathy is, that P1tr greets users when joining, or welcoming them back if they say "re". ...
Currently P1tr can only reset a topic. It would be great if he could add/delete a topic's parts and learn a basic topic, available for reset at any time.
This plugin is useless, but somehow cool. It displays some information about the environment P1tr is running on, for example OS, uptime, resource usage of P1tr, Python/Twisted version, P1tr uptime and more (propositions welcome!).
Memo Plugin for P1tr
A plugin like rbot Note plugin. Should react to messages and joins of users.

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