Been a Linux user since Slackware 1.0, and have been working in the IT industry for 12 plus years, and the past 8 years the main focus working as Linux Systems Administrator / Engineer. I also hold a MCSE from 2000, and just as comfortable in a Microsoft network. To limit ones knowledge to only one platform would be career suicide in my humble opinion.

     Red Hat 3 used to be my distribution of choice back in the day, until I got stuck in dependency hell,which I was not able to recover from! That's when I switched to Debian. Debian was / is a great distribution but lacking a solid friendly community. In 2004 / 2005 Mark Shuttleworth came out with Ubuntu and Warty as the first release, with the main focus on usability, and community. Ever since I have not looked back, and have been working and enjoying Ubuntu to this day. Even attending the very first Ubuntu Live Conference in PDX! <--- the one in the hat LOL

    My time is very limited do to my career and personal life, and wish I had more of it to contribute to this great community and help out were I can.

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