I'm just another linux enthusiast and so called evangelist.

I do linux and security trainings as a freelancer since 2000 and did my UCP (ubuntu certified professional) as well as the ubuntu official instructor test in may '07 (during which I had a great time in Stuttgart, thanks again Billy and Chris).

Just some personal stuff:
I'm 32 years old, married and have one lovely daughter and a lovely boy so far.
If I am not working on someone's PC I most likely will be humming an 80's song - sometimes I combine these two hobbies :-)

These are some of my projects:
- http://parpwatch.sourceforge.net - PARPwatch is a python arp watch daemon mostly for windows which logs to the eventlog.
- http://blueproximity.sourceforge.net - BlueProximity is a security tool to detect your presence near your computer via bluetooth for automated locking/unlocking of the screen.
- https://launchpad.net/imyth - Remote Control for MythTV via iPhone OS
- actually finishing my BSc degree at the Leibniz University Hannover (http://www.uni-hannover.de).

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