I am a researcher at Institute of Information Technology (VAST). My favorite programming language is Java. I have learned Java since 1998, and still use until now to develop applications for both desktop and server.

I was major in software engineering. I love object-oriented programing, using UML and studying agile methodologies (for system analysis and design) such as eXtreme Programing.

I had been using Redhat, Mandriva (used to be Mandrake) for a couple of years (since 2000). But now, Ubuntu is of my first choice both at home and office.

I joined HanoiLUG since 2005, and is still an active member. I am very interested in doing business with FOSS. Oh, I nearly forget. I got LPI-1 certified last year after taking a Linux training course for trainer in Hanoi in August 2007.

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