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Currently we get the interface to which Kuryr is supposed to link subports in nested mode from link_iface setting in kuryr.conf. This works, but we cannot really expect all the K8s nodes to have the same name - imagine that an OS upgrade changes that and we want to upgrade the nodes one-by-one. Instead of having th...
To make sure Kuryr-Kubernetes works as it's expected it might be really useful to run some tests from K8s upstream e2e test suite [1]. The most interesting would be all the tests in "network" folder. As a start this blueprint will target to run Network Policy tests [2]. This might be extended once we assess how thi...
In the crusade to decrease control plane latency and improve controller downtime behavior, a proposal was made to have: * A VIF handler in kuryr-controller that only does pool management (e.g creation and deletion of ports in pools) and then updates pool information to the cni daemons. Communication may consist of:...

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