(Ubuntu Κύπρου / Ubuntu Kıbrıs)

The Cypriot Ubuntu LoCo Team on LaunchPad.
Primary goal is to help the Ubuntu Community on translations as well as promoting the use of all products among various Ubuntu releases. Also providing support making online meetings, creative applications and much more. You are welcome to join the Cypriot Launchpad team.

Website: http://www.ubuntucy.org
Forum: http://www.ubuntucy.org/forum
Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CypriotTeam and http://www.ubuntucy.org/wiki

Team details

Log in for email information.
Loucas Soteriou
Created on:
English, Greek, Turkish
Membership policy:
Moderated Team

All members

You must log in to join or leave this team.

Latest members

Pending approval

Mailing list

This team does not use Launchpad to host a mailing list.

Subteam of

“Ubuntu Cyprus” is a member of these teams: