News and announcements

LogicalDOC Community Extensions 8.9.1 is finally available

Written for LogicalDOC by Alessandro Gasparini on 2024-07-26

The LogicalDOC Community development team is pleased to announce the release of the Community Extensions for LogicalDOC CE 8.9.1
This set of extensions expands the functionality of LogicalDOC Community making it much more effective and efficient in managing electronic documents.

In particular there are 3 new plugins that provide the following features:

1) logicaldoc-ce-parser (extracting text from many types of office documents)
2) logicaldoc-ce-ocr (OCR - extract text from images and PDFs for full-text searching)
3) logicaldoc-ce-converter (conversion of documents to other formats and for preview/thumbnail)

More information on the installation procedure is available in the release package

You can get the installation package from SourceForge at
our you can visit the project page on GitHub

LogicalDOC Developers Team

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AppArmor 4.0.2 Released

Written for AppArmor by John Johansen on 2024-07-24

The AppArmor development team is pleased to announce the 4.0.2 release
of the AppArmor user space components.

The release is available on


The release notes are available at

Please report any bugs you may find via the gitlab AppArmor project

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Haguichi 1.5.0 Released

Written for Haguichi by Stephen Brandt on 2024-07-20

Haguichi 1.5.0 has been rebuild completely from the ground up:

* Redesigned user interface using GTK 4 and libadwaita:
  - Implemented AdwOverlaySplitView to display the network list and sidebar side by side or as an overlay.
  - Added support for color schemes offering dark, light or system preferred scheme.
  - Ported the network list from deprecated GtkTreeView to GtkListView
  - Rearranged "Add Network" and "Refresh" buttons as floating overlay buttons above the network list.
  - Created new "Change Access" dialog for networks to set lock and approval mode combined.
  - Improved sidebar layout based on AdwActionRows.
  - Implemented AdwPreferencesWindow making all preferences searchable.
  - Moved configuration and nickname settings to preferences window.
  - Added support for drag and drop to reorder configured commands in preferences window.
  - Added info button to the "Add Command" and "Edit Command" dialogs to show all available command variables in a popover.
  - Now making use of Toasts for any in-app notifications.
  - Utilized GtkBuilder UI definitions to describe nearly all interface objects and eliminate lots of boilerplate code.
* Improved network list search:
  - Added support for multiple search terms by separating them using a "⎵" (space) or "+" (plus) to find only results matching both terms and by using a "," (comma) to find results matching either term.
  - Now displays a message if there are no results found instead of showing an empty network list.
* Some miscellaneous quality of life enhancements:
  - Online and total member count in sidebar now includes the client itself.
  - Networks are now automatically selected immediately after you create or join them.
  - Hamachi is now automatically restarted if the hamachi set-pass command hangs when changing the network password.
* Reimplemented indicator to communicate with the SNI D-Bus interface directly and drop dependency on appindicator libraries that don't support GTK 4.
* Implemented XdpPortal to request permission to run in the background and to set background status when doing so.
* Renamed --hidden command line option to --background or -b for short.
* Changed accelerator to open preferences to Control+, following the GNOME standard for keyboard shortcuts.
* Changed default network list update interval to 30 seconds.
* Added support for zstd compressed tar archives when saving and restoring configuration backups.
* Added line "StartupNotify=true" to .desktop file so that a spinning cursor is shown on launch.
* Now using standard GLib functions for message logging so that important errors are written to the system logs.
* Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Japanese, Lithuanian, Spanish and Ukrainian translations.

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Juju 3.5.2 released

Written for Canonical Juju by Harry Pidcock on 2024-07-10

The Juju team is proud to release Juju 3.5.2!
This is a point release to the stable 3.5 series of Juju.

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LTS is DEAD long live to the new LTS

Written for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO by Olivier Mattelaer on 2024-07-05

Long Term Stable 2.9.x has now an end of live: december 2025.
A new Long Term Stable release (3.5.x) is starting now to replace it.
Version 3.6.0 will be the new feature oriented release.

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