Pages matching "Gallery" in Launchpad

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  • Gallery is the next generation of open source photo sharing web applications. Gallery gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website whether you're running a small personal site or a large community site. Hundreds of thousands of people and organizations are using Gallery to create personalized photo albums on their websites. GALLERY DOES NOT OFFICIALLY USE LAUNCHPAD FOR ANYTHING (YET?). PLEASE VISIT FOR MORE INFORMATION (INCLUDING TRANSLATION INSTRUCTIONS)
    Registered by Chris Kelly
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117 of 29 other pages matching "Gallery"
  • A blueprint is a simple specification. It describes an idea - such as a feature or process - and tracks enough metadata to show its implementation status and who's involved. Let's take a look at what information makes up a blueprint: Title and summary: some ideas are simple enough to express fully in the summary.
  • This is a post I’ve been looking forward to for a long time: Launchpad is now open source! We released it today under the GNU Affero General Public license, version 3. Note that although we had previously announced that we’d be holding back two components (codehosting and soyuz), we changed our minds: they are included — all the code is open.
  • Launchpad is free of charge for free software projects which meet the following criteria: It must include source code. "Source code" means the preferred form of the work for making modifications. For documentation, it might be XML source files; for images, GIMP XCF files; etc. It must allow modification and distribution of modified copies under ...
  • Launchpad Development Wiki. Launchpad is a platform that helps people and teams work together on free software. It is hosted by Canonical, Ltd, and is open source software, licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.. This wiki is for Launchpad development.If you're just looking for help using Launchpad (including help with its APIs), please visit the help wiki.
  • Go to Edit -> Preferences. Select the Mail Accounts page. Select the account that corresponds to the email address you're using with Launchpad. Click the Edit button. A new configuration dialog will appear. Select the Security tab. Type your key ID or your e-mail address in the PGP/GPG Key ID field. Click on OK to close the Account dialog.
  • Launchpad has been around for a while, and its frontpage has remained untouched for a few years now. If you go into, you’ll notice it looks quite different from what it has looked like for the past 10 years – it has been updated! The goal was to modernize it while trying to keep it looking like Launchpad.
  • The Revision has been stepped up to 1.1 because of the significant amount of fixes and balances made to this patch. This took a really long time believe it or not, so no bitchn'.
  • Get involved. Launchpad is free software. You can get involved in a number of ways: Join the development community: learn about and participate in Launchpad development.. Beta testing: be the first to try new features and help shape them before launch.. Documentation team: help others to use Launchpad with user guides, screencasts and more.. Other stuff
  • Email interface. You can also propose a merge by email by sending a merge directive to In your email, you can ask for particular people to do the review by adding lines that say: reviewer <name> where <name> is the Launchpad user name or email address of the reviewer. You can ask for as many reviewers as you like.
  • A fairly comprehensive set of Python backports (and new upstream versions) bringing the Python stack to a more consistent base for last few releases. Update (7 May 2024): Now 223 packages for Ubuntu 20.04 Focal systems here which can be viewed by using the URL query string parameters series_filter and "batch" (use 300 as default is 75) to view ...
  • Since they were introduced in 2007, Launchpad’s Personal Package Archives (PPAs) have always been hosted on This has generally worked well, but one significant snag became clear later on: it was difficult to add HTTPS support for PPAs due to the way that cookies work on the web.. Launchpad uses a cookie for your login session, which is of course security-critical, and ...
  • The Ubuntu operating system is translated in Launchpad by a community of volunteers organized in per-language translation teams. This group contains all the teams appointed for the translation of Ubuntu. If you want to translate Ubuntu into your language, please get in touch with the relevant team by clicking on one of the links below and ...
  • To create a new Launchpad account, visit the account sign-up page. All you need is an email address that Launchpad can use to contact you. A few things to note: Confirmation email: If you don't receive a confirmation email from Launchpad it may have been incorrectly trapped by a spam filter. If you think this has happened, try registering using ...
  • The easiest way to generate a new OpenPGP key in Ubuntu is to use the Passwords and Encryption Keys tool. If you are using Ubuntu 10.04 or an earlier version, it is located at Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys. In Ubuntu 10.10 and later versions, it is located at System > Preferences > Passwords and Encryption Keys. Creating your OpenPGP keys
  • Launchpad doesn’t know which project and series this package belongs to. Links from distribution packages to upstream project let distribution and upstream maintainers share bugs, patches, and translations efficiently.
  • Building a source package. Ubuntu uses Debian's system of packaging software. To get software into a PPA, you need to build a source package. That includes the source code for the software you want to distribute, along with the instructions for where the application should live in the file system and of any dependencies it has on other software.
  • Simply type: $ bzr branch lp:bitlbee. Similarly, you can get hold of code from the Banshee music player's Subversion repository as a Bazaar branch with: $ bzr branch lp:banshee. Wherever code originates, visit its overview page in Launchpad to find the Bazaar command to download it to your own machine and create a local branch.
117 of 29 other pages matching "Gallery"