Pages matching "lighttpd +port 80" in Launchpad

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120 of 2690 other pages matching "lighttpd +port 80"
  • lighttpd is a small webserver and fast webserver developed with security in mind and a lot of features. It has support for * CGI, FastCGI and SSI * virtual hosts * URL rewriting * authentication (plain files, htpasswd, LDAP) * transparent content compression * conditional configuration * HTTP proxying and configuration is straight-forward and easy.
  • #1. You need to provide some more context from the logs. Does this happen immediately? How far into the upload does the error occur? The swift driver has to break the image into segments, there should be messages as each segment is uploaded. Are there any log messages from swift?
  • ok so a have it installed on ubuntu 10.11 BUT my stupid isp blocks port 80 so how can i change it in xibo?
  • The 500 is being thrown from the glance-registry service API call to persist the image metadata. (where username and password relate to the mysql credentials). Check the /var/log/ glance/ registry. log for an indication as to why the metadata registration is failing.
  • GNet is a simple network library. It is written in C, object-oriented, and built upon glib. It is intended to be small, fast, easy-to-use, and easy to port. The interface is similar to the interface for Java's network library.
  • Support allowed address pairs for Dragonflow. Allowed address pairs feature allows one to add additional ip/mac address pairs on a port to allow traffic that matches those specified values. In current implement, security module like port security and security group will restrict packets sent/received from a VM port must have the fixed ip/mac ...
  • This PPA also requires compatible KDE 5.80.x backports for any system that has KDE-based software installed. So make sure to read the notes at the KDE 5.80 PPA for latest info about the KDE backports before proceeeding: https:/ /launchpad. net/~savoury1/ +archive/ ubuntu/ kde-5-80.
  • Every port on the integration bridge which cannot be mapped to a neutron port, and is therefore unknown to neutron, is put on this vlan, thus avoiding this port cannot snoop or generate traffic on tenants' networks.
  • linux-tools-5.15.0-43-generic : Linux kernel version specific tools for version 5.15.0-43. This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel. version locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_ perf_policy) for. version 5.15.0-43 on.
  • Hi, I'm trying to build some cortex-m4 code with the gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2012q4 binary. arm-none-eabi-gcc seems to be compiling OK, but I can't assemble a '.s' file. This is pure assembler (not gcc output), but it does assemble with the freescale codewarrior assembler.
  • PPA for OpenWrt on Ubuntu. Of course, OpenWrt programs can't be fully supported on Ubuntu but partially this works. For example uhttpd on Ubuntu works pretty well. To expose /www dir via http run: uhttpd -f -h /www -p 8080. Goals: 0.
  • After tacker installation i am getting an error "publicURL endpoint for nfv-orchestration service not found" while issuing tacker ext-list. I have created new service for tacker with service name as tacker and service type as servicevm.
  • This ppa provides a package rockchip-multimedia-config to config your system ready for multimedia acceleration. sudo apt install rockchip-multimedia-config Then you're good to go.
  • The `web` module is provided by the addons found in the `openerp-web` project. Maybe you forgot to add those addons in your addons_path configuration. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ jcdrubay/ code/openerp- launchpad/ server/ openerp- server", line 257, in <module>.
  • If you want to rebuild PHP packages you'll need to add ppa: - ppa:sergey-dryabzhinsky/toolchain. to get backported toolchain packages. To control enabled modules - use cute tool - php-modset (php80-modset). To use php-8.0 as system PHP - install `*php80p*` packages. They provide alias names like system packages.
  • WARNING: configured ecap_service was not loaded: ecap:// ecap/services/ sample/ modifying. The second set of files that you shared indicate that you load a minimal adapter but configure a modifying service: $ egrep 'module| ecap_service' squid.conf. loadable_modules /usr/local/ lib/ecap_ adapter_ minimal. so.
  • This package provides the sshd server for use in debian-installer. Since it is expected to be used in specialized situations (e.g. S/390. installs with no console), it does not provide any configuration. openssh-sftp-server : secure shell (SSH) sftp server module, for SFTP access from remote machines.
  • If you plan to use current port to assign Floating IP, you should specify fixed_ips with subnet.
  • Subteam of. “PPA for Ubuntu Toolchain Uploads (restricted)” is a member of these teams: This is a team controlling uploads to a PPA which builds on all architectures.
  • I suggest that you uninstall all versions of hplip and then install the version from the Ubuntu repositories (which is a modified version of 3.20.3 to cope with the dependency problems) and then install the plugin in the same version from the web page.
120 of 2690 other pages matching "lighttpd +port 80"