Pages matching "mediatomb" in Launchpad

Exact matches
  • UPnP MediaServer (base package) UPnP MediaServer (daemon package) UPnP MediaServer (main package)
    Registered by jasherai
120 of 7730 other pages matching "mediatomb"
  • The "trunk" series represents the primary line of development rather than a stable release branch. This is sometimes also called MAIN or HEAD.
  • Gerbera is an UPnP MediaServer with a nice web user interface based on MediaTomb. It allows you to stream your digital media through your home network and listen to/watch it on a variety of UPnP compatible devices. .
  • MediaTomb is an UPnP MediaServer with a nice web user interface, it allows you to stream your digital media through your home network and listen to/watch it on a variety of UPnP compatible devices.
  • * mediatomb.xpm and manpage.xml is now included in orig tarball. * inotify patch is not needed anymore. * md5 patch has been committed upstream and is no longer needed.
  • mediatomb (0.12.1-4) unstable; urgency=low * Bump debhelper and the compatibility level to 9. - Enables hardened build flags. * debian/control: - Remove Andres Mejia from the uploaders list.
  • mediatomb 0.12.1-6 source package in Debian Changelog mediatomb (0.12.1-6) unstable; urgency=medium [ Hector Oron ] * d/p/0013_symlinks.patch: avoids ignoring symlinks Thanks Jona Schuman for patch.
  • MiniDLNA is a simple, lightweight alternative to mediatomb, but has fewer features. It does not have a web interface for administration and must be configured by editing a text file.
  • Mediatomb trunk series The "trunk" series represents the primary line of development rather than a stable release branch. This is sometimes also called MAIN or HEAD.
  • - debian/ {mediatomb-daemon. mediatomb. upstart, rules}: Introduce upstart support to fix start-on-boot failure. - debian/ mediatomb-daemon. postinst: Give executable bit to complete upstart support. - debian/rules: Disable JS support.
  • > Was just wondering if I could use entertainer on my Eeepc 901 running eeebuntu to watch my media being streamed by mediatomb from my media server. At the moment, no, it's not yet possible to use it as a uPnP client,
  • mediatomb (0.12.1-4) unstable; urgency=low * Bump debhelper and the compatibility level to 9. - Enables hardened build flags. * debian/control: - Remove Andres Mejia from the uploaders list.
  • * debian/ mediatomb-daemon. mediatomb. default: Change NO_START to no, so that the daemon is automatically started, once the -daemon package is installed. LP: #205790. Thanks to Leonhard Wimmer and Andres Mejia. * debian/control: Update maintainer field as per spec.
  • MediaTomb is an UPnP MediaServer with a nice web user interface, it allows you to stream your digital media through your home network and listen to/watch it on a variety of UPnP compatible devices.
  • i386 build of mediatomb 0.12.0~svn2018-6ubuntu2custom19 in ubuntu lucid RELEASE. Mediatomb with Javascript support; i386 build of mediatomb 0.12.0~svn201... created on 2012-02-22. Build status. Successfully built on lakoocha (virtual64) Started on 2012-02-22;
  • mediatomb patched to enable time-based seek functionality when transcoding Adding this PPA to your system You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:pneu/mediatomb to your system's Software Sources.
  • mediatomb (0.12.1-5ubuntu4) utopic; urgency=medium * Rebuild against libav11. -- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Thu, 04 Sep 2014 22:32:00 +0100. Upload details. Uploaded by: Colin Watson on 2014-09-04 Uploaded to: Utopic Original maintainer: Ubuntu Developers Architectures: any all
  • The following unsupported and untrusted Personal Archives (PPAs) provide packages of 'mediatomb': PPA for James Henstridge owned by James Henstridge Versions: Intrepid (0.11.0+svn1987-0~jh2.8.10), Jaunty (0.11.0+svn2018-0~jh1.9.04)
  • You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:jinto/mediatomb-js to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jinto/mediatomb-js sudo apt update
  • No download files exist for this project. You might want to check this project's Bazaar branches or its home page. • Take the tour • Read the guide
  • #478236 mediatomb causes excessive cpu and memory usage with ffmpegthumbnailer turned on
120 of 7730 other pages matching "mediatomb"