Installation instructions for trunk

Written for AGF-XMBCS by Chris Ortner on 2008-02-19

These instructions work for all trunk revisions since rev6.
Requirements: a *nix box (could work on win32, but not tested), internet connection, mysql server, some brain
1.) Make sure you have Ruby 1.8 or higher installed, including it's headers. If you compile from source they are automatically included, using Debian or Ubuntu you may have to install the package ruby1.8-dev. Headers are required to build the ferret native extension.
2.) Fetch and install rubygems, preferably from this page:
3.) # gem install rails -v=2.0.2
4.) # gem install ferret
5.) Create a database called xmbcs on your mysql server. You can use another DB server and another db name, but therefore you will have to edit config/database.yml.
$ mysql -u root
mysql> CREATE DATABASE xmbcs;
mysql> quit;
6.) Now you need bazaar version control system ( Most OSes should have packages for this.
7.) Go to your development directory and get the xmbcs repository:
$ bzr branch
8.) Go inside the xmbcs directory and migrate the db schema to the db:
$ rake db:migrate

You're done!

If you think you have done smart changes on the source code and you want to contribute them, use bazaar to create a patch and send it to chris dot ortner at gmail dot com. Patch creation works like this:
$ bzr send -o filename_of_your_choice.patch

To stay up to date with the trunk code you can sync your local branch with the main repository:
$ bzr update

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