Appy 0.6.3

Milestone information

Gaƫtan Delannay
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Release notes 

* improved html2odt conversion (management of XHTML tag hierarchies like p->div->p)
* bullets for default list styles in any ODT file generated through pod are now smaller.

* added CSS tooltips and bugfix while querying several content type at once.
* added default validation for wrong dates
* for Action fields, added value 'filetmp' for param 'result' for removing temp files that are returned as the result of an action
* values entered by the user in the search screens are not stripped
* wrapper method 'export' can now export an object in a CSV file
* Added the possibility to customize the global message when validation fails.
* Added the concept of 'fake' workflow transitions: when a user can't trigger a transition but needs an explanation about why he can't, a fake button is shown, with a explanation.
* Added the possibility to give a custom context to the macro specified for a Computed field
* added param 'confirm' to a workflow transition, allowing to show a confirm popup before triggering it
* added param 'format' for translate method, allowing to produce strings that conform to HTML or JS.
* Added the possibility to define POD templates for any search result (Pod field with param view='search')
* bugfix while getting default value for a Ref field
* added Computed fields that computes a ZPT macro given as a string to param 'method'
* added the possibility to define a global style mapping for every Pod field
* stopped to generate a field-specific set of i18n labels for pod output formats
* carry portal_status_message even through page redirections
* added 'deprecatedAddRemove' tags in generated configure.zcml
* onEdit can now return a customized message
* added possibility to normalize strings for other usages than 'fileName' in appy.shared.utils.normalizeString (for alpha and alphanum usages)
* Added method 'unlink' on any appy class, for unlinking objects from references
* Bugfixes in display of workflow state in columns.


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0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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