Appy 0.7.0

Milestone information

Gaƫtan Delannay
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Release notes 

- Optimized image importing: when an image is imported several times in a pod template through a call to 'do ... from document(at=path)', pod inserts only one copy of the file into the ODT result;
- xhtml2odt bugfix: when a <div> was contained in <ol><li> or <ul><li>, the whole function ouput was an empty string.
- bugfix in html2odt: in some situations, while using stylesMappings, some empty tags were present in the result, producing a superflous empty paragraph;
- bugfix while importing PNG files under Windows.

- In the default context of any pod field, added function '_' corresponding to obj.translate;
- workflows are now implemented as full Appy worlflows. Plone (DC) workflow are not generated anymore. From the Appy user point of view (=developer), no change has occurred: it is a pure implementation concern;
- began to implement a new global Appy-specific page template and styles;
- added, for every Type, param 'label' allowing to specify an existing i18n label (the one from another field for instance), thus avoiding to generate i18n labels for this Type;
- optimized generation of (more than twice less code);
- stopped generating properties on wrapppers by setting AbstractWrapper as new-style class and using __getattribute__;
- removed from some pages superfluous translations of inexistent labels;
- implemented a variant of Zope's 'has_permission' in method called 'mixin.allows', which does not make some assumptions, like the fact that an admin is Owner of any object or the fact that an Authenticated user has also role Anonymous;
- added button 'refresh security' for refreshing security information on every database object (it is needed because Zope requires us to duplicate security info on every object);
- do not generate "_action_ok" and "action_ko" i18n messages anymore;
- added param Group.label, similar to Type.label;
- allowed to specify in param Group.wide any table width;
- use new index 'getState' for indexing object states;
- reduced size of generated file;
- optimized debug mode: class reload is not done automatically: a 'refresh' icon is available on view and edit views.

- Python dicts can now be marshalled/unmarshalled.


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This version corresponds to trunk, revision 169.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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