Arx Libertatis 1.0 "Bloody Gobblers!"

Milestone information

Arx Libertatis
Code name:
Bloody Gobblers!
Daniel Scharrer
Release registered:
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Release notes 

After over a year of work we are proud to announce the first release of Arx Libertatis. While some minor graphical glitches remain, the game is fully playable on both Windows and Linux as well as other platforms. There are packages available for Windows and Linux. On other systems you may still be able to run the game by compiling the source code yourself.

Besides porting the game to SDL, OpenGL, OpenAL and the amd64 architecture while maintaining native Direct X backends, we fixed some performance issues with newer operating systems, added more configuration options and improved the interface scaling for widescreen resolutions. See the wiki for the full changelog.


View the full changelog

New Features:
* Cross-platform support: Windows, Linux and possibly other UNIX-likes
* Configurable windowing + renderer, input and audio backends
* Save game list is sorted so that latest save is at the top
* Configurable number of quicksave slots
* Shortcut to toggle windowed and fullscreen mode (default is Alt+Enter)
* Video config menu displays the aspect ratio along with resolutions
* Separated window size and fullscreen resolution
* Added an "automatic" fullscreen resolution setting that always chooses the highest available one
* Support for system-wide installation and per-user configuration / savegames (follows the XDG Base Directory Specification under linux)
* Ported to amd64 architecture
* A single binary can automatically run the demo or full game data
* Automatic language detection for the data files
* Added a crash reporter tool
* Added tools to extract .pak and savegame files

Fixed Bugs:
* Fixed aspect ratio for interface elements when using non 5:4-resolutions (some are still stretched)
* Fixed various crashes
* Improved level loading speed by limiting the progress bar update rate

Technical Changes:
* Ported text rendering from Windows GDI to Freetype
* Removed dependency on the proprietary PKWARE implode library
** This required changing the savegame format - saves produced by Arx Libertatis cannot be read by the original Arx Fatalis, but Arx Libertatis can still read the original save files.
* Abstracted windowing framework, with SDL and Win32 implementations
* Abstracted audio backend, with OpenAL and DirectSound 9 implementations
* Abstracted input backend, with SDL and DirectInput 8 implementations
* Abstracted renderer backend, with OpenGL and Direct3D 9 implementations
* Replaced custom image loading/saving code with DevIL
* Various code cleanup and performance improvements

Removed Features:
* Editor mode (will be re-added)
* Texture size option (will be re-added)
* "Bump mapping" (proper bump/normal mapping will be re-added)
* PNUX texture effect
* Support for reducing textures to 16-bit
* Non-newcontrol mode
* Gamma/brightness/contrast correction

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