Arx Libertatis 1.1 "Rhaa Movis"

Milestone information

Arx Libertatis
Code name:
Rhaa Movis
Daniel Scharrer
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Release notes 

With more than 30000 lines of code changed in over 600 git commits, the 1.1 release fixes player movement issues, minimap scaling, and a bunch of crashes and other bugs. We also continued our work on restructuring the engine, to facilitate new features in the future. Further, there is an improved installer for the data files on *nix systems as well as minor graphics and sound tweaks. See the changelog for full details. While we haven't managed to include everything originally planned for 1.1, we felt it was high time for another release after nearly a year of development since 1.0.3.


View the full changelog

New Features:

* Added support for multiple simultaneous data directories
* The --data-dir (-d) command-line option can now be repeated to add multiple
  data directories
* Added a --no-data-dir (-n) command-line option to disable system data
* Improved error messages for missing data files
* Added an error dialog if the user directory could not be created
* Enabled up to 8xMSAA (if supported) with the SDL/OpenGL backend (was: 4xMSAA)
* Ensured that we never request a window size or fullscreen resolution
  below 640x480
* Linux: Merged the data install script and set it to be installed it with
  the arx binary
* Linux: Added a GUI to the data install script and launch it automatically
  if needed - you no longer need to use the terminal to install the game data
  under Linux!
* Linux: Added support for bundled Arx Fatalis versions to the data install
  script (bug #348)
* Linux: Translated the .desktop file to French, German and Russian
* Restored some unused spell sounds
* Tweaked color of the Protection from fire aura to make it visually different
  from the aura of the Armor spell
* Windows: Changed default input/windowing/render backends to SDL+OpenGL
  DirectX backends may be removed in a future version

Fixed Bugs:

* Fixed Am Shaegar accelerating too much during slow frames (bug #185)
* Increased jump distance to fix some jumps that have become frustratingly hard
  (bug #413)
* Replaced DevIL with stb_image for image loading (task #352)
* Fixed a script evaluation bug when looking up Entity-dependent special
* Fixed a crash when evaluating script variables
* Fixed a crash caused by entities without an attached 3D object (bug #434)
* Fixed a crash in the playanim script command (bug #383)
* Fixed a crash when rendering text ending with two newlines
* Fixed a crash caused by bad window sizes or font loading / texture creation
  problems (bug #444)
* Windows: Fixed crashes and missing sounds due to bad OpenAL implementations
  by bundling OpenAL Soft (task #435)
* Linux: Fixed improper handling of set-but-empty $XDG_* variables
* Merged remaining fixes from Nuky's arx-fatalis-fixed: (task #276)
** Tweaked portrait render zone in the new game screen
** Fade out rune symbol flares when switching away from the spell page
   (Issue 13)
** Fixed detected NPCs from the current level showing up on all level maps in
   the book (Issue 12)
* Fixed missing page turn sound when switching between book pages via hotkeys
* Fixed being able to switch to the spell page via prev/next hotkeys before
  getting any runes
* Fixed minimap showing a smaller area on higher resolutions (bug #64)
* Adjusted the RAF cheat to no longer limit the player's caster level to 1
* Fixed Protection from fire spell not respecting the durations supplied by
* Changed the default duration for Protection from fire and Protection from cold
  spells cast by NPCs from over 30 minutes to 20 seconds
* Fixed handling of bogus targets in the spellcast script command
* Turning off the Detect trap spell no longer turns off Night vision

Technical Changes:

* A *lot* of code cleanup
* Removed dependency on Boost.Program_options - Boost is now only needed at
  build-time. We tried to keep the same command-line argument syntax but there
  might be slight changes in corner cases. (task #353)
* Changed to always create a user/config directory in the user's home
  directory unless explicitly changed with the --user-dir and/or --config-dir
  options or registry keys. Previously, if no data and user directories were
  found, the current working directory was used as the user directory.
* Linux: Added /opt as a system data directory prefix (besides $XDG_DATA_DIRS)
* Linux: Added arx as a system data directory suffix (besides games/arx)
* Added the executable directory as a system data directory (bug #242)
* Improved handling of bad UTF-8 sequences
* Made the text handling code architecture-independent
* Enabled C++11 mode for GNU-compatible compilers, if supported
* Added CMake options to control the custom compiler flags used
* Mac OS X: Fixed some build issues (YMMV)
* Fixed build with the Intel C++ compiler
* Fixed build with some MinGW32 distributions
* Fixed debug build with libc++
* Fixed build with CMake 2.8.10
* Fixed build with MS Visual Studio 2012
* Added support for building the crash reporter with Qt 5
* Aligned and tweaked log output

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