Comment 1 for bug 1419694

Revision history for this message
Germar (germar) wrote :

First of all with 1.1.2 I switched from kdesudo to PolicyKit/pkexec to become root because kdesudo/gksudo is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. So please use 'pkexec backintime-qt4'.

I wasn't able to reproduce this here but I don't think this is related to your locale. At least not the locale on your local machine. It might be related to the locale on your remote host. But I think it's because of a special character in one filename. The command that was processed in there is something like (all in one line):

ssh -p 22 -o ServerAliveInterval=240 USER@REMOTEHOST find path/to/remote/backintime/einstein/root/1/new_snapshot/backup/ -name \* -print

The byte '0xe4' stated in the exception indicate that it is a Chinese/Japanese/Korean Character. Do you have (new) files with CJK Characters? If so, could you please post the filename so I could try to fix this?