Blacklight3 0.1 Alpha released!

Written for Blacklight by ChrisLees on 2008-10-24

It's out there now! Note that you need the Medibuntu version of ffmpeg, or a version you have compiled yourself - it's a requirement otherwise Blacklight will do nothing.

You can download the new release from

If you want a GUI, you must download and install the CLI package first, and then the GUI package. If you don't need a GUI you can just install the CLI package.

You need Pythoncard, Zenity, Medibuntu's ffmpeg, pmount, sudo, libnotify-bin, and Python 2.3 or above. You should generally only have to install Pythoncard, FFmpeg and maybe Zenity - the rest should be preinstalled already on an Ubuntu system.

If you are not on a Debian-based system, you can open the Debian packages and manually copy the files and folders from the "data.tar.gz" archive into their rightful places. It's pretty self-explanatory. Don't let it stop you from creating RPMs or anything :-)

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