Upgrade Tool Crashed

Bug #98842 reported by Klytor
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
update-manager (Ubuntu)
Fix Released

Bug Description

Binary package hint: update-manager

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/dist-upgrade.py", line 48, in <module>
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/DistUpgradeControler.py", line 892, in run
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/DistUpgradeControler.py", line 867, in fullUpgrade
    if not self.askDistUpgrade():
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/DistUpgradeControler.py", line 550, in askDistUpgrade
    if not self.cache.distUpgrade(self._view, self.serverMode, self.logfd):
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/DistUpgradeCache.py", line 316, in distUpgrade
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/DistUpgradeCache.py", line 286, in checkForKernel
    return Falseif
NameError: global name 'Falseif' is not defined

++++ Content of /var/log/dist/upgrade/apt.log ++++

updateStatus: Comprobando gestor de paquetes
updateStatus: Actualizando la información del repositorio
WARNING: Failed to read mirror file
updateStatus: Comprobando gestor de paquetes
updateStatus: Solicitando confirmación
Installing libc6 as dep of beryl-core
Installing libglib2.0-0 as dep of beryl-core
Installing libpng12-0 as dep of beryl-core
Installing libxcomposite1 as dep of beryl-core
Installing libxrandr2 as dep of beryl-core
Installing libgcc1 as dep of kpdf
Installing gcc-4.1-base as dep of libgcc1
Installing libqt3-mt as dep of kpdf
Installing libfontconfig1 as dep of libqt3-mt
Installing fontconfig-config as dep of libfontconfig1
Installing libstdc++6 as dep of libqt3-mt
Installing xkb-data as dep of xkeyboard-config
Installing libxkbui1 as dep of libxkbui-dev
Installing libatk1.0-0 as dep of gnome-keyring
Installing libcairo2 as dep of gnome-keyring
Installing libdbus-1-3 as dep of gnome-keyring
Installing libpango1.0-0 as dep of gnome-keyring
Installing libpango1.0-common as dep of libpango1.0-0
Installing libpopt0 as dep of libpopt-dev
Installing libasound2 as dep of gstreamer0.10-alsa
Installing libgstreamer0.10-0 as dep of gstreamer0.10-alsa
Installing libxml2 as dep of libgstreamer0.10-0
Installing liborbit2 as dep of liborbit2-dev
Installing libsdl1.2debian-alsa as dep of libsdl1.2debian
Installing libdirectfb-0.9-25 as dep of libsdl1.2debian-alsa
Installing xserver-xorg-core as dep of xserver-xorg-video-rendition
Installing libdrm2 as dep of xserver-xorg-core
Installing libsm6 as dep of libsm-dev
Installing libgail-common as dep of libgtkhtml3.8-15
Installing libgail18 as dep of libgail-common
Installing libgnome-keyring0 as dep of libgtkhtml3.8-15
Installing libgnomeprint2.2-0 as dep of libgtkhtml3.8-15
Installing libcupsys2 as dep of libgnomeprint2.2-0
Installing libgnomeprint2.2-data as dep of libgnomeprint2.2-0
Installing libgnomeprintui2.2-0 as dep of libgtkhtml3.8-15
Installing libgnomeprintui2.2-common as dep of libgnomeprintui2.2-0
Installing libgnomeui-0 as dep of libgtkhtml3.8-15
Installing libgnomevfs2-0 as dep of libgnomeui-0
Installing libdbus-glib-1-2 as dep of libgnomevfs2-0
Installing libselinux1 as dep of libgnomevfs2-0
Installing libsepol1 as dep of libselinux1
Installing libgnomevfs2-common as dep of libgnomevfs2-0
Installing libgnomeui-common as dep of libgnomeui-0
Installing libfontenc1 as dep of libfontenc-dev
Installing libxslt1.1 as dep of libxmlsec1
Installing libgpg-error0 as dep of libxslt1.1
Installing gcc-3.3-base as dep of libstdc++5
Installing libxmuu1 as dep of libxmuu-dev
Installing libbz2-1.0 as dep of bzip2
Installing libdc1394-13 as dep of libdc1394-13-dev
Installing liblua50 as dep of kdelibs4c2a
Installing liblualib50 as dep of kdelibs4c2a
Installing python2.4 as dep of python2.4-dev
Installing python2.4-minimal as dep of python2.4
Installing libreadline5 as dep of python2.4
Installing libssl0.9.8 as dep of python2.4
Installing libedataserverui1.2-8 as dep of libedataserverui1.2-dev
Installing libebook1.2-9 as dep of libedataserverui1.2-8
Installing libcamel1.2-10 as dep of libebook1.2-9
Installing libedataserver1.2-9 as dep of libcamel1.2-10
Installing libice6 as dep of libice-dev
Installing openoffice.org-common as dep of openoffice.org-core
Installing openoffice.org-style-industrial as dep of openoffice.org-common
Installing openoffice.org-hyphenation as dep of openoffice.org-core
Installing libcurl3 as dep of openoffice.org-core
Installing libhunspell-1.1-0 as dep of openoffice.org-core
Installing libicu36 as dep of openoffice.org-core
Installing libneon26 as dep of openoffice.org-core
Installing libstlport5.1 as dep of openoffice.org-core
Installing python-uno as dep of openoffice.org-writer
Installing python-central as dep of python-uno
Installing python as dep of python-uno
Installing python2.5 as dep of python
Installing python2.5-minimal as dep of python2.5
Installing libsqlite3-0 as dep of python2.5
Installing python-minimal as dep of python
Installing libgs-esp8 as dep of gs-esp
Installing libcupsimage2 as dep of libgs-esp8
Installing apt as dep of adept-manager
Installing libxaw7 as dep of libxaw7-dev
Installing libapr1 as dep of kdesvn
Installing libaprutil1 as dep of kdesvn
Installing libpq5 as dep of libaprutil1
Installing libsvn1 as dep of kdesvn
Installing libsvnqt3 as dep of kdesvn
Installing kdesvn-kio-plugins as dep of kdesvn
Installing kmplayer-base as dep of kmplayer-konq-plugins
Installing libxine1 as dep of kmplayer-base
Installing libpulse0 as dep of libxine1
Installing libgcj-common as dep of libgcj7-0
Installing libtasn1-3 as dep of libtasn1-3-dev
Installing libquicktime0 as dep of libquicktime-dev
Installing libgnome2-common as dep of libgnome2-0
Installing libdns22 as dep of bind9-host
Installing libtheora0 as dep of libtheora-dev
Installing openoffice.org-draw as dep of openoffice.org-impress
Installing language-pack-en as dep of language-pack-en-base
Installing libgamin0 as dep of gamin
Installing linux-headers-2.6.20-13-generic as dep of linux-headers-generic
Installing linux-headers-2.6.20-13 as dep of linux-headers-2.6.20-13-generic
Installing dhcp3-common as dep of dhcp3-client
Installing libsasl2-2 as dep of libsasl2
Installing libdb4.2 as dep of libsasl2-2
Installing libsasl2-modules as dep of libsasl2-2
Installing libaudiofile0 as dep of libaudiofile-dev
Installing libxine1-ffmpeg as dep of libxine-extracodecs
Installing libmozjs0d as dep of libmozjs0d-dbg
Installing libnspr4-0d as dep of libmozjs0d
Installing amule-common as dep of amule
Installing libwxbase2.8-0 as dep of amule
Installing libwxgtk2.8-0 as dep of amule
Installing python2.5-dev as dep of libpythonize0
Installing perl as dep of libcompress-zlib-perl
Installing perl-base as dep of perl
Installing perl-modules as dep of perl
Installing libcurl3-gnutls as dep of vorbis-tools
Installing samba-common as dep of smbclient
Installing libslang2 as dep of whiptail
new important dependency: command-not-found
Installing command-not-found as dep of ubuntu-standard
Installing command-not-found-data as dep of command-not-found
new important dependency: update-manager-core
Installing update-manager-core as dep of ubuntu-standard
Installing python-gnupginterface as dep of update-manager-core
Installing libbluetooth2 as dep of kdebluetooth
Installing libopenobex1 as dep of kdebluetooth
Installing libxv1 as dep of libxv-dev
Installing libavahi-core5 as dep of avahi-daemon
Installing wodim as dep of cdrecord
Installing hwdb-client-common as dep of hwdb-client-gnome
Installing sun-java6-bin as dep of sun-java6-plugin
Installing sun-java6-jre as dep of sun-java6-bin
Installing libecal1.2-7 as dep of evolution
Installing libegroupwise1.2-13 as dep of evolution
Installing libsoup2.2-8 as dep of libegroupwise1.2-13
Installing libexchange-storage1.2-3 as dep of evolution
Installing libgnome-pilot2 as dep of evolution
Installing libgtkhtml3.14-19 as dep of evolution
Installing libnm-glib0 as dep of evolution
Installing evolution-common as dep of evolution
Installing evolution-data-server as dep of evolution
Installing libedata-book1.2-2 as dep of evolution-data-server
Installing libedata-cal1.2-6 as dep of evolution-data-server
Installing evolution-data-server-common as dep of evolution-data-server
Installing gtkhtml3.14 as dep of evolution
Installing libwxbase2.6-0 as dep of libwxgtk2.6-0
Installing kappfinder as dep of kdebase
Installing kate as dep of kdebase
Installing kdebase-bin as dep of kdebase
Installing kdebase-data as dep of kdebase
Installing kdebase-kio-plugins as dep of kdebase
Installing kdepasswd as dep of kdebase
Installing kdesktop as dep of kdebase
Installing kfind as dep of kdebase
Installing khelpcenter as dep of kdebase
Installing kicker as dep of kdebase
Installing klipper as dep of kdebase
Installing kmenuedit as dep of kdebase
Installing konqueror-nsplugins as dep of kdebase
Installing konqueror as dep of kdebase
Installing konsole as dep of kdebase
Installing kpager as dep of kdebase
Installing kpersonalizer as dep of kdebase
Installing ksmserver as dep of kdebase
Installing ksplash as dep of kdebase
Installing ksysguard as dep of kdebase
Installing ksysguardd as dep of ksysguard
Installing libkonq4 as dep of kdebase
Installing wacom-tools as dep of xserver-xorg-input-wacom
Installing setserial as dep of wacom-tools
Installing libcairo2-dev as dep of libpango1.0-dev
Installing librapi2 as dep of librapi2-tools
Installing libmagick++9c2a as dep of libmagick++9-dev
Installing gcc-4.1 as dep of g++-4.1
Installing cpp-4.1 as dep of gcc-4.1
Installing binutils as dep of gcc-4.1
Installing libstdc++6-4.1-dev as dep of g++-4.1
Installing libpcre3 as dep of libpcre3-dev
Installing libpcrecpp0 as dep of libpcre3-dev
Installing linux-image-2.6.20-13-generic as dep of linux-image-generic
Installing libhal-storage1 as dep of libhal-storage-dev
Installing libglade2-0 as dep of libglade2-dev
Installing libdvdread3 as dep of libdvdread-dev
Installing mono-jit as dep of libmono-corlib1.0-cil
Installing mono-common as dep of mono-jit
Installing libgcrypt11 as dep of libgcrypt11-dev
Installing icedax as dep of cdda2wav
Installing libpoppler1 as dep of libpoppler1-qt
Installing genisoimage as dep of dvd+rw-tools
Installing libqt4-core as dep of libqt4-qt3support
Installing libqt4-gui as dep of libqt4-qt3support
Installing libqt4-sql as dep of libqt4-qt3support
Installing libcaca0 as dep of mplayer
Installing libcucul0 as dep of libcaca0
Installing libxi6 as dep of libxi-dev
Installing gconf2-common as dep of gconf2
Installing esound-common as dep of libesd-alsa0
Installing libxrender1 as dep of libxrender-dev
Installing libdbus-qt-1-1c2 as dep of libdbus-qt-1-dev
Installing libboost-filesystem1.33.1 as dep of libboost-filesystem-dev
Installing libxxf86dga1 as dep of libxxf86dga-dev
Installing liboggflac++2c2 as dep of liboggflac++-dev
Installing libtag1c2a as dep of libtag1-dev
Installing dmsetup as dep of libdevmapper1.02
Installing libxdmcp6 as dep of libxdmcp-dev
Installing libkrb53 as dep of libkrb5-dev
Installing libkadm55 as dep of libkrb5-dev
Installing cpp as dep of g++
Installing gcc as dep of g++
Installing libavahi-client3 as dep of libavahi-client-dev
Installing libogg0 as dep of libogg-dev
Installing tcl8.4 as dep of tcl8.4-dev
Installing libdmx1 as dep of libdmx-dev
Installing d4x-common as dep of d4x
Installing libxevie1 as dep of libxevie-dev
Installing myspell-en-za as dep of language-support-en
Installing e2fslibs as dep of e2fsprogs
Installing libldap2 as dep of libldap2-dev
Installing gcc-3.4-base as dep of gcc-3.4
Installing cpp-3.4 as dep of gcc-3.4
Installing libxfont1 as dep of libxfont-dev
Installing xpdf-common as dep of xpdf-utils
Installing libxxf86misc1 as dep of libxxf86misc-dev
Installing upstart as dep of upstart-compat-sysv
Installing vlc-nox as dep of mozilla-plugin-vlc
Installing libdvdnav4 as dep of vlc-nox
Installing libfs6 as dep of libfs-dev
Installing libruby1.8 as dep of ruby1.8
Installing libx86-1 as dep of vbetool
Installing libmusicbrainz4c2a as dep of k3b
Installing libconfig-file-perl as dep of apt-file
Installing volumeid as dep of udev
Installing libvolume-id0 as dep of volumeid
Installing libxcursor1 as dep of libxcursor-dev
Installing python-sip4 as dep of python-qt3
Installing libflac7 as dep of libflac-dev
Installing libexif12 as dep of libexif-dev
Installing libavcodec-dev as dep of libpostproc-dev
Installing libavcodec0d as dep of libavcodec-dev
Installing libavahi-qt3-1 as dep of libavahi-qt3-dev
Installing libbonobo2-0 as dep of libbonobo2-dev
Installing libbonobo2-common as dep of libbonobo2-0
Installing libgdiplus as dep of libmono-system1.0-cil
Installing libdv4 as dep of libdv4-dev
Installing libqt3-headers as dep of libqt3-mt-dev
Installing libgnomecanvas2-common as dep of libgnomecanvas2-0
Installing tk8.4 as dep of tk8.4-dev
Installing python-gtk2 as dep of python-glade2
Installing libgii1-target-x as dep of libgii1
Installing libkexiv2-0 as dep of digikam
Installing amarok as dep of amarok-xine
Installing libmtp5 as dep of amarok
Installing libtunepimp5 as dep of amarok
Installing fftw3 as dep of libtunepimp5
Installing libofa0 as dep of libtunepimp5
Installing language-pack-es as dep of language-pack-es-base
Installing libxt6 as dep of libxt-dev
Installing libgtk2.0-0 as dep of libgtk2.0-dev
Installing libvte-common as dep of libvte9
Installing libxmu6 as dep of libxmu-dev
Installing openoffice.org-filter-binfilter as dep of openoffice.org
Installing openoffice.org-filter-mobiledev as dep of openoffice.org
Installing libxext6 as dep of libxext-dev
Installing libmjpegtools0c2a as dep of libmjpegtools-dev
Installing liblame0 as dep of liblame-dev
Installing libxdamage1 as dep of libxdamage-dev
Installing libjaxp1.3-java as dep of libxerces2-java
Installing linux-source-2.6.20 as dep of linux-source
Installing zlib1g as dep of zlib1g-dev
Installing libpt-1.10.0 as dep of libpt-dev
Installing libmagic1 as dep of file
Installing libungif4g as dep of libungif4-dev
Installing update-inetd as dep of samba
Installing libnetpbm10 as dep of netpbm
Installing libcdaudio1 as dep of gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Installing libjack0.100.0-0 as dep of gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Installing libfreebob0 as dep of libjack0.100.0-0
Installing libsoundtouch1c2 as dep of gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Installing libwavpack1 as dep of gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Installing libpanel-applet2-0 as dep of libgnome-window-settings1
Installing gtk-qt-engine as dep of gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
Installing debconf as dep of tasksel
Installing mscompress as dep of foo2zjs
Installing liba52-0.7.4 as dep of liba52-0.7.4-dev
Installing language-pack-gnome-es as dep of language-pack-gnome-es-base
Installing libgl1-mesa-glx as dep of libgl1-mesa-dev
Installing libgl1-mesa-dri as dep of libgl1-mesa-dev
Installing language-selector-common as dep of language-selector-qt
Installing multisync as dep of libmultisync-plugin-evolution
Installing libxcb-xlib0 as dep of libx11-6
Installing libxcb1 as dep of libxcb-xlib0
Installing libnautilus-extension1 as dep of totem-xine
Installing libtotem-plparser1 as dep of totem-xine
Installing libxcb-xlib0-dev as dep of libx11-dev
Installing libxcb1-dev as dep of libxcb-xlib0-dev
Installing libpthread-stubs0-dev as dep of libxcb1-dev
Installing libpthread-stubs0 as dep of libpthread-stubs0-dev
Installing libavahi-common3 as dep of libavahi-common-dev
Installing libusplash0 as dep of usplash
Installing gpgv as dep of gnupg
Starting 2
Investigating libvolume-id0
Package libvolume-id0 has broken dep on libvolumeid0
  Considering libvolumeid0 4 as a solution to libvolume-id0 17
  Added libvolumeid0 to the remove list
  Fixing libvolume-id0 via remove of libvolumeid0
Investigating debtags
Package debtags has broken dep on apt-index-watcher
  Considering apt-index-watcher 0 as a solution to debtags 4
  Added apt-index-watcher to the remove list
  Fixing debtags via remove of apt-index-watcher
Investigating libconfig-file-perl
Package libconfig-file-perl has broken dep on libconfigfile-perl
  Considering libconfigfile-perl 0 as a solution to libconfig-file-perl 0
  Holding Back libconfig-file-perl rather than change libconfigfile-perl
Investigating apt-file
Package apt-file has broken dep on libconfig-file-perl
  Considering libconfig-file-perl 0 as a solution to apt-file 0
  Holding Back apt-file rather than change libconfig-file-perl
 Try to Re-Instate apt-file
updateStatus: Comprobando gestor de paquetes
updateStatus: Actualizando la información del repositorio
updateStatus: Comprobando gestor de paquetes
updateStatus: Solicitando confirmación
Installing libxkbui1 as dep of libxkbui-dev
Installing gcc-3.3-base as dep of libstdc++5
Installing libxmuu1 as dep of libxmuu-dev
Installing python2.4 as dep of python2.4-dev
Installing python2.4-minimal as dep of python2.4
Installing libgs-esp8 as dep of gs-esp
Installing libcupsimage2 as dep of libgs-esp8
Installing libapr1 as dep of kdesvn
Installing libaprutil1 as dep of kdesvn
Installing libpq5 as dep of libaprutil1
Installing libsvn1 as dep of kdesvn
Installing libsvnqt3 as dep of kdesvn
Installing kdesvn-kio-plugins as dep of kdesvn
Installing kmplayer-base as dep of kmplayer-konq-plugins
Installing libdns22 as dep of bind9-host
Installing language-pack-en as dep of language-pack-en-base
Installing linux-headers-2.6.20-13-generic as dep of linux-headers-generic
Installing linux-headers-2.6.20-13 as dep of linux-headers-2.6.20-13-generic
Installing dhcp3-common as dep of dhcp3-client
Installing libxine1-ffmpeg as dep of libxine-extracodecs
Installing libmozjs0d as dep of libmozjs0d-dbg
Installing libnspr4-0d as dep of libmozjs0d
Installing amule-common as dep of amule
Installing libwxbase2.8-0 as dep of amule
Installing libwxgtk2.8-0 as dep of amule
Installing samba-common as dep of smbclient
new important dependency: command-not-found
Installing command-not-found as dep of ubuntu-standard
Setting NOT as auto-installed because its a direct dep of a package in section metapackages
Installing command-not-found-data as dep of command-not-found
new important dependency: update-manager-core
Installing update-manager-core as dep of ubuntu-standard
Setting NOT as auto-installed because its a direct dep of a package in section metapackages
Installing python-gnupginterface as dep of update-manager-core
Installing libopenobex1 as dep of kdebluetooth
Installing libavahi-core5 as dep of avahi-daemon
Installing wodim as dep of cdrecord
Installing sun-java6-bin as dep of sun-java6-plugin
Installing sun-java6-jre as dep of sun-java6-bin
Installing kappfinder as dep of kdebase
Installing kate as dep of kdebase
Installing kdebase-data as dep of kdebase
Installing kdepasswd as dep of kdebase
Installing khelpcenter as dep of kdebase
Installing klipper as dep of kdebase
Installing kmenuedit as dep of kdebase
Installing konqueror-nsplugins as dep of kdebase
Installing kpager as dep of kdebase
Installing kpersonalizer as dep of kdebase
Installing ksmserver as dep of kdebase
Installing ksplash as dep of kdebase
Installing ksysguard as dep of kdebase
Installing ksysguardd as dep of ksysguard
Installing librapi2 as dep of librapi2-tools
Installing linux-image-2.6.20-13-generic as dep of linux-image-generic
Installing mono-jit as dep of libmono-corlib1.0-cil
Installing mono-common as dep of mono-jit
Installing icedax as dep of cdda2wav
Installing libpoppler1 as dep of libpoppler1-qt
Installing genisoimage as dep of dvd+rw-tools
Installing libqt4-sql as dep of libqt4-qt3support
Installing libboost-filesystem1.33.1 as dep of libboost-filesystem-dev
Installing liboggflac++2c2 as dep of liboggflac++-dev
Installing libtag1c2a as dep of libtag1-dev
Installing gcc as dep of g++
Installing tcl8.4 as dep of tcl8.4-dev
Installing libdmx1 as dep of libdmx-dev
Installing d4x-common as dep of d4x
Installing libxevie1 as dep of libxevie-dev
Installing gcc-3.4-base as dep of gcc-3.4
Installing cpp-3.4 as dep of gcc-3.4
Installing xpdf-common as dep of xpdf-utils
Installing upstart as dep of upstart-compat-sysv
Installing libfs6 as dep of libfs-dev
Installing libruby1.8 as dep of ruby1.8
Installing libx86-1 as dep of vbetool
Installing libmusicbrainz4c2a as dep of k3b
Installing libconfig-file-perl as dep of apt-file
Installing libgdiplus as dep of libmono-system1.0-cil
Installing tk8.4 as dep of tk8.4-dev
Installing python-gtk2 as dep of python-glade2
Installing libkexiv2-0 as dep of digikam
Installing amarok as dep of amarok-xine
Installing libmtp5 as dep of amarok
Installing libtunepimp5 as dep of amarok
Installing fftw3 as dep of libtunepimp5
Installing libofa0 as dep of libtunepimp5
Installing language-pack-es as dep of language-pack-es-base
Installing libjaxp1.3-java as dep of libxerces2-java
Installing linux-source-2.6.20 as dep of linux-source
Installing libpt-1.10.0 as dep of libpt-dev
Installing libmagic1 as dep of file
Installing update-inetd as dep of samba
Installing libnetpbm10 as dep of netpbm
Installing libcdaudio1 as dep of gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Installing libjack0.100.0-0 as dep of gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Installing libfreebob0 as dep of libjack0.100.0-0
Installing libsoundtouch1c2 as dep of gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Installing libwavpack1 as dep of gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Installing libpanel-applet2-0 as dep of libgnome-window-settings1
Installing gtk-qt-engine as dep of gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
Installing mscompress as dep of foo2zjs
Installing language-pack-gnome-es as dep of language-pack-gnome-es-base
Installing language-selector-common as dep of language-selector-qt
Installing multisync as dep of libmultisync-plugin-evolution
Installing libusplash0 as dep of usplash
Installing gpgv as dep of gnupg
Starting 2
Investigating language-pack-kde-es-base
Package language-pack-kde-es-base has broken dep on language-pack-kde-es
Investigating language-pack-kde-en-base
Package language-pack-kde-en-base has broken dep on language-pack-kde-en
Investigating libconfig-file-perl
Package libconfig-file-perl has broken dep on libconfigfile-perl
  Considering libconfigfile-perl -1 as a solution to libconfig-file-perl 0
  Added libconfigfile-perl to the remove list
  Fixing libconfig-file-perl via remove of libconfigfile-perl
 Try to Re-Instate language-pack-kde-es-base
 Try to Re-Instate language-pack-kde-en-base

++++ Content of /var/log/dist/upgrade/main.log ++++

2007-03-30 04:31:14,992 WARNING Error setting locales (global name 'bindtextdomain' is not defined)
2007-03-30 04:31:15,947 DEBUG lsb-release: 'edgy'
2007-03-30 04:31:19,589 DEBUG Foreign:
2007-03-30 04:31:19,590 DEBUG Obsolete: libapr0 ekiga-snapshot linux-image-2.6.20-01 cedega-small libavahi-core4 linux-image-2.6.17-10-386 linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic acroread-escript linux-image-2.6.17-11-generic linux-image-2.6.20-02 libsvnqt2 skype linux-headers-2.6.17-11 cpp-4.0 envy libedataserver1.2-7 linux-source-2.6.17 libpt-cvs-plugins-v4l acroread resmgr nxclient nxnode nxmanager linux-headers-2.6.17-10 libicu34 libcamel1.2-8 libdns21 libegroupwise1.2-12 libpt-cvs libresmgr1 libtunepimp3 libexchange-storage1.2-2 gcc-4.0-base libpt-cvs-plugins-alsa acroread-plugins libopal-cvs avidemux libgpod0 linux-headers-2.6.17-11-generic nerolinux linux-headers-2.6.17-10-386 nxserver libresmgr-dev opera libwavpack0 gcc-4.0 crossover-pro libsvn0 linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic libdirectfb-0.9-24 linux-headers-2.6.20-01 linux-headers-2.6.20-02 libxorg-sched-yield-hack0 bashish libconfigfile-perl
2007-03-30 04:31:19,630 DEBUG updateSourcesList()
2007-03-30 04:31:19,727 DEBUG rewriteSourcesList()
2007-03-30 04:31:20,077 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,077 DEBUG entry 'deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,077 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,078 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,078 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,078 DEBUG entry 'deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,078 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,078 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,079 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty universe'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,079 DEBUG entry 'deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty universe' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,079 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty universe'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,079 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty universe' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,079 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,080 DEBUG entry 'deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,080 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,080 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,080 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security main restricted'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,080 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security main restricted' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,081 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security main restricted'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,081 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security main restricted' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,081 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security universe'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,081 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security universe' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,082 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security universe'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,082 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security universe' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,082 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates universe multiverse'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,082 DEBUG entry 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates universe multiverse' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,083 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security main restricted universe multiverse'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,083 DEBUG entry 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security main restricted universe multiverse' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,083 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty multiverse'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,083 DEBUG entry 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty multiverse' is already set to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:20,083 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main'
2007-03-30 04:31:20,084 DEBUG entry 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main' updated to new dist
2007-03-30 04:31:41,912 DEBUG Purging 'xorg-common' (Distro PostUpgradePurge rule)
2007-03-30 04:31:41,912 DEBUG Purging 'libgl1-mesa' (Distro PostUpgradePurge rule)
2007-03-30 04:31:41,913 DEBUG running feistyQuirks handler
2007-03-30 04:31:41,921 DEBUG Kernel uname: '2.6.20-02'
2007-03-30 04:31:41,922 WARNING Can't parse kernel uname: need more than 2 values to unpack
2007-03-30 04:31:41,924 ERROR Exception in KDE frontend (invoking crash handler):
2007-03-30 04:31:41,924 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/dist-upgrade.py", line 48, in <module>
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/DistUpgradeControler.py", line 892, in run
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/DistUpgradeControler.py", line 867, in fullUpgrade
    if not self.askDistUpgrade():
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/DistUpgradeControler.py", line 550, in askDistUpgrade
    if not self.cache.distUpgrade(self._view, self.serverMode, self.logfd):
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/DistUpgradeCache.py", line 316, in distUpgrade
  File "/tmp/kde-root/adept_updater1frleb.tmp-extract/DistUpgradeCache.py", line 286, in checkForKernel
    return Falseif
NameError: global name 'Falseif' is not defined

Revision history for this message
ahellwig (ahellwig) wrote :

The same happened for me, except I'm using kernel

Revision history for this message
Pedro Villavicencio (pedro) wrote :

still an issue?

Changed in update-manager:
importance: Undecided → Medium
status: New → Incomplete
Revision history for this message
Klytor (klytor) wrote :

Problem solved with last upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy.

Revision history for this message
Pedro Villavicencio (pedro) wrote :

Thanks for the update!.

Changed in update-manager:
status: Incomplete → Fix Released
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