byobu 2.12 "2.12"

Milestone information

Code name:
Dustin Kirkland 
Release registered:
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last downloaded 43 weeks ago
Total downloads: 14

Release notes 

  [ Massive changeset for LP: #386546 ]
  * bin/cpu_count, bin/cpu_freq, bin/disk_available, bin/disk_used,
    bin/ec2_cost, bin/ip_address, bin/load_average, bin/mem_available,
    bin/mem_used, bin/network_down, bin/network_up, bin/reboot_required,
    bin/temp_c, bin/temp_f, bin/updates_available, bin/wifi_quality,
    byobu-config, byobu-export, byobu-status, byobu.1, debian/control,
    doc/help.txt, profiles/common, rpm/byobu.spec: massive changeset, moving
    all status scripts from *-* to *_*; this allows us to source the
    ~/.byobu/status file, rather than grepping through it for configuration
    information, yielding significant performance improvements
  * profiles/common: massive rework of status frequencies; use prime numbers
    to minimize collisions; increase/decrease a few, based on statistical
    testing of required runtimes
  * bin/wifi_quality: significant performance improvements, remove unneeded
    route call, cache iwconfig output so that it's only called once
  * bin/processes: improve performance by listing /proc (doubles the speed)
  * bin/network, profiles/common, profiles/profile.skel, byobu-config,
    byobu-status, byobu.1, rpm/byobu.spec: merge network_down and
    network_up to a single status script; too much duplication of code,
    causes performance problems
  * bin/disk_available, bin/disk_used, bin/hostname, bin/ip_address,
    bin/mem_available, byobu-status: drop grepping of status config file,
    source it instead, should improve performance
  * bin/reboot-required: don't exit 1 when a reboot is not required
  * bin/cpu-freq: drop "cat" and just use awk, don't printf twice,
    performance improvements
  * bin/updates_available: drop "cat", and just use grep, performance
  * bin/load_average: drop "cat", and just use awk, performance
  * bin/network: pull network bytes directly from /proc/net/dev, performance
  * bin/users: use pgrep -c, performance improvement
  * bin/time, bin/date, bin/reboot-required: use case statement, performance
  * bin/battery: ensure that only one present battery is displayed in the
    status area
  * bin/disk, bin/disk_used, profiles/common, profiles/profile.skel:
    collapse disk usage down to a single status script for performance,
    support disk partitions as well as mountpoints in ~/.byobu/disk,
    LP: #388053

  * byobu-config: have ESC be a hotkey for 'cancel', LP: #373473

  * byobu-config, debian/rules, keybindings/common.disable,
    keybindings/f-keys, keybindings/screen-escape-keys: massive fix for
    byobu keybindings; use ctrl-a-! to toggle on/off byobu's f-keys;
    also support a new keyset, screen-escape-keys which profiles ctrl-a
    keybindings for common byobu functions, LP: #380944

  * bin/mail, byobu-status, byobu.1, profiles/common,
    profiles/profile.skel, rpm/byobu.spec: add a mail status notification,
    LP: #387936

  * byobu-config: fix keybinding disabling for non-standard escape sequences,
    LP: #389129


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