byobu 2.17 "2.17"

Milestone information

Code name:
Dustin Kirkland 
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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download icon byobu_2.17.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) byobu-2.17 13
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 13

Release notes 

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * debian/postinst: can't assume a group named for the user, LP: #391722
  * debian/postinst, debian/screen-profiles.postinst: ensure that
    /usr/bin/screen doesn't disappear, which causes the dpkg-divert
    removal to fail; LP: #390808
  * bin/mem_available: read mem_available from /proc, should be more
  * byobu-launcher-uninstall: uninstall old screen-launcher entries too,
    LP: #391913
  * byobu: detect and emit an error message if the user tries to run
    byobu from within a screen session
  * byobu: add a -v version argument
  * byobu.1, byobu-config.1: move the putty bug note to the byobu manpage
    next to the keybinding documentation
  * debian/byobu-extras.install, debian/control, debian/install,
    debian/, debian/rules, generate, rpm/byobu.spec: eliminate
    the byobu-extras package; this was originally created because we
    used to force select-screen-profile on first run, and the number of
    profiles was overwhelming; we're no longer doing this, and this
    separate package is more trouble than its worth

  [ Ciemon Dunville ]
  * byobu.1: update description, add note about units of measure


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