Comment 11 for bug 118688

Revision history for this message
John A Meinel (jameinel) wrote :

"bzr rm --new" does remove new files from the add queue. Such that:

bzr add foo bar baz
bzr rm --new

Will remove all of "foo" "bar" and "baz".

However, it still doesn't know whether you want to delete them from disk, or just from versioned status. So you need to "bzr rm --new --keep" or "bzr rm --new --force".

Svn actually works in the same way. It will refuse to remove newly added files unless you supply --force.

svn co $URL/test
cd test
touch foo
svn add foo
svn rm foo

subversion/clients/cmdline/util.c:639: (apr_err=195006)
svn: Use --force to override this restriction
subversion/libsvn_client/delete.c:76: (apr_err=195006)
svn: 'foo' has local modifications

I find ours less confusing, but that doesn't mean we can't do better.

At this point, I think it just needs to be documented better that "--new" just schedules all files which have been recently added for removal, and have it clearly explained why/when you need --keep or --force.