Comment 1 for bug 688101

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Vincent Ladeuil (vila) wrote : Re: bzr: ERROR: Tree transform is malformed [('duplicate id', 'new-74', 'new-1')]

There are multiple bugs here:
- bzr resolve tries to work on multiple conflicts involving the same file with catastrophic results,
- --take-other wasn't the real intent here [1],
- while investigating I encountered several tracebacks even when trying to resolve a single conflict (I'll file specific bugs for that).

[1] Many conflicts occurred because some files were deleted in the packaging branch for various (valid) reasons but modified in the trunk. All of them, in this case, need to be resolved with --take-this (i.e. keep the file deleted, ignore the modifications).

This means that the blank 'bzr resolve --take-xxx' is too broad and bzr probably needs to provides a way to set the resolve action at the file or directory level so that 'bzr resolve --auto' can respect these settings.