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1120 of 38 releases

beta1 release from the 3.1 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Main changes:
- Better integration in of Unity: support of the Launcher API and better support of indicators
- All configuration windows have been merged into a single one.
- Added progress bars in several applets and in the Dbus API
- The Music Player applet can control players in the systray.
- Icons of the taskbar can be separated from launchers or not
- And as always ... various bug fixes and improvements :-)

File Description Downloads
download icon cairo-dock-3.0.99.beta1.tar.gz (md5, sig) 3.0.99.beta1 (Beta version - don't forget our plug-ins) 471
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 471

3.0.2 release from the 3.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

A bug-fix version (for more details, see the ChangeLog bellow)


Main GUI: Fixed a crash when hovering group buttons too quickly
Main GUI: The dialog and preview didn't appear when hovering the button
Accelerators: On recent distro, 'Control' key is now called 'Primary'
Icon Mgr: Added a mutex because of occasional crashes with gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon
Icon Mgr: Don't call a 'change-icon' callback when clicking or scrolling on an icon,
 and trigger an unneeded animation on the icon
Dock Mgr: Avoid emitting an 'enter' event when not needed
Class Mgr: Fixed 2 typos (special case for kdesu and not kdes)
Class Mgr: Remove launching options (%U) in quick-list Exec command
Dialogues: Prevent closing the dialog unexpectedly when clicking on it,
 if the click is actually inside the interactive widget
Background: When set to 'always visible', applets' background couldn't be turned off
Added a workaround for the Unity-panel which has a wrong window type
po: Updated translations: thanks to all contributors ;)

File Description Downloads
download icon cairo-dock-3.0.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) 3.0.2 (bug-fix version) (don't forget our plug-ins) 8,513
last downloaded 10 days ago
Total downloads: 8,513

3.0.1 release from the 3.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

A bug-fix version (for more details, see the ChangeLog bellow)


Dock's menu: fixed 2 annoying bugs with the menus: don't hide if the dock is raised and don't try to check if the mouse has left the dock if the menu is raised
Dialogs: fixed a bug where the dock could auto-hide when a modal dialog was raised
Fixed a compilation error on Gentoo
Added a compilation option to not force the display of icons in menus
Dialog: fixed a crash with gcc-4.7: the local variable (const gchar **) can be corrupted due to optimisations
Fixed a bug where the dock didn't accept clicks when the mouse touches the screen edge (with auto-hide)
Fixed a bug where the hidden dock background color was not updated properly
Class-Manager: fixed a bug with Windows applications whose name is in upper case (.EXE)
GUI: use cairo_dock_get_xwindow_class() to link a programm with a launcher
French translations: fixed 2 small errors

File Description Downloads
download icon cairo-dock-3.0.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) 3.0.1 (don't forget our plug-ins) 2,988
last downloaded 4 days ago
Total downloads: 2,988

3.0.0 release from the 3.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Yeaaah! Cairo-Dock / GLX-Dock 3.0 has just been released! :)

How to install it:

Note that if you like this work, don't hesitate to help us by reporting bugs, by donating with Paypal or Flattr, by translating the dock, by proposing new themes or new patches, by proposing new ideas, by posting an article on your blog, or simply by writing a little comments on our forum ;)
More information:
And if you want to follow us, there are a few ways:
Thank you to all contributors! (specially Fabounet for this great work ;) )
Matt for the Cairo-Dock team.
A screenshot:


* The *taskbar* has been greatly enhanced.
* The *Log out* applet has been rewritten, now allowing you to switch users.
* The *control of the dock from the keyboard* is now very powerful:
 * many shortkeys have been added in several applets.
 * you can activate a launcher by pressing a shortkey + its number.
 * all shortkeys can now be managed in a single place in the configuration window.
* The *Sound Menu* from Ubuntu has been integrated into the Sound-Control applet.
* A new *Twitter applet* lets you tweet in one click.
* A new applet to *inhibit the screensaver* in one click.
* Separators are transparent to click in *'Panel'* mode.
* Cairo-Dock now uses *GTK3*, for a better integration in a Gnome desktop.
* Few additions to the DBus API.
* Text drawing (e.g. with Clock) has been improved.
* Icons from user icons theme are now loaded with the right size.
* The new default theme with a panel is now included in the core package.
* It's possible to donate to support the project!

File Description Downloads
download icon cairo-dock-3.0.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) 3.0.0 (don't forget our plug-ins) 15,193
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 15,193 release from the 3.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

 - The taskbar has been greatly enhanced.
 - The Log out applet has been rewritten, now allows to switch users.
 - The control of the dock from the keyboard is now very powerful:
   - many shortkeys have been added in different applets
   - you can activate a launcher by pressing a shortkey + its number
   - all shortkeys can now be managed in a single place in the configuration window.
 - The Sound Menu from Ubuntu has been integrated into the Sound-Control applet.
 - A new Twitter applet lets you tweet in one click.
 - A new applet to inhibit the screensaver in one click.
 - Separators are transparent to click in 'Panel' mode
 - Cairo-Dock now uses GTK3, for a better integration in a Gnome desktop
 - Few additions to the DBus API.
 - It's possible to donate to sup...

File Description Downloads
download icon cairo-dock- (md5, sig) (RC version - don't forget our plug-ins) 423
last downloaded 9 days ago
Total downloads: 423 release from the 3.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

GLX-Dock 3.0.0beta1:
 - The taskbar has been greatly enhanced.
 - The Log out applet has been rewritten, now allows to switch users.
 - The control of the dock from the keyboard is now very powerful:
   - many shortkeys have been added in different applets
   - you can activate a launcher by pressing a shortkey + its number
   - all shortkeys can now be managed in a single place in the configuration window.
 - The Sound Menu from Ubuntu has been integrated into the Sound-Control applet.
 - A new Twitter applet lets you tweet in one click.
 - A new applet to inhibit the screensaver in one click.
 - Separators are transparent to click in 'Panel' mode
 - Cairo-Dock now uses GTK3, for a better integration in a Gnome desktop
 - Few additions to the DBus API.
 - It's possible to donate to sup...

File Description Downloads
download icon cairo-dock- (md5, sig) (BETA version - don't forget our plug-ins) 565
last downloaded 9 days ago
Total downloads: 565

2.4.0 release from the 2.4 series released

Release information
Release notes:

GLX-Dock 2.4.0
 - The Power-Manager applet has been rewritten to work on any plateform.
 - A new Help applet has been added to help our beloved users :-)
 - Integration in the XFCE desktop has been improved
 - Several new DBus methods lets you interact on the dock more easily.
 - The dock can now be used as a shell in a Compiz-standalone environment.

File Description Downloads
download icon cairo-dock-2.4.0~2.tar.gz (md5, sig) 2.4.0~2 (don't forget our plug-ins) 11,342
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon cairo-dock-2.4.0~1.tar.gz (md5, sig) 2.4.0~1 (don't forget our plug-ins) 1,298
last downloaded 3 days ago
Total downloads: 12,640

2.4.0-0beta2 release from the 2.4 series released

Release information
Release notes:

GLX-Dock 2.4.0~0beta2
 - The Power-Manager applet has been rewritten to work on any plateform.
 - A new Help applet has been added to help our beloved user :-)
 - Improved integration in the XFCE desktop
 - Several new DBus methods lets you interact on the dock more easily.

File Description Downloads
download icon cairo-dock-2.4.0~0beta2.tar.gz (md5, sig) 2.4.0~0beta2 (BETA RELEASE) 333
last downloaded today
Total downloads: 333

2.3.0 release from the 2.3 series released

Release information
Release notes:

GLX-Dock 2.3.0
* A lot of new applets are available in our new repository! (Transmission, Deluge, MintMenu, Translator, Quote of the day, etc). You can install them for free in a single click!
* The new "Recent-Events" applet lets you browse your last activties (music, videos, documents, web pages, etc).
* The System-Monitor applet can now monitor CPU temperature and fan speed.
* The menus have a better layout.
* The Logout applet now warns you when the computer needs to be restarted.
* The Stack applet now displays the web page's favicon.
* The Drop and Share applet now handles UbuntuOne.
* Better integration with Compiz and Kwin.
* Several bug-fixes and improvments.


From 2.3.0~1 to 2.3.0~2:
 - Fixed a crash that occured when a class sub-dock was destroyed
 - Fixed a major bug where the dock couldn't re-appear after a menu has been triggerd from outside the dock (ie, from a shortcut)

From 2.3.0~2 to 2.3.0~3:
 * Fixed a crash that occurs when the MP applet is in desklet mode and applets separated from launchers and the music-player is launched.
 * Fixed an annoying bug when we leave the dock with cursor slowly on the right or on the left of it.

File Description Downloads
download icon cairo-dock-2.3.0~3.tar.gz (md5, sig) 2.3.0~3 Release Tarball 4,214
last downloaded 3 days ago
download icon cairo-dock-2.3.0~2.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) 2.3.0~2.1 Release Tarball 2,288
last downloaded 8 days ago
download icon cairo-dock-2.3.0~2.tar.gz (md5, sig) 2.3.0~2 Release Tarball (don't forget our plug-ins !) 2,800
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon cairo-dock-2.3.0~1.tar.gz (md5, sig) 2.3.0~1 Release Tarball 921
last downloaded 24 hours ago
Total downloads: 10,223

2.3.0-0rc1 release from the 2.3 series released

Release information
Release notes:

It's a Release Candidate, not a stable release!

File Description Downloads
download icon cairo-dock-2.3.0~0rc1.tar.gz (md5, sig) 2.3.0~0rc1 (REALEASE CANDIDATE) 574
last downloaded 10 days ago
Total downloads: 574

1120 of 38 releases