Comment 4 for bug 1156555

Revision history for this message
Scott Kitterman (kitterman) wrote :

I just uploaded this for Xubuntu to support Beta 2 and it now starts and does not ship .pyc files instead of .py, but it still has a significant problem with symlinks that really ought to be fixed before release:

0 2013-03-29 19:28 ./usr/share/catfish/locale -> /tmp/buildd/catfish-0.6.1/debian/catfish/usr/share/locale
0 2013-03-29 19:28 ./usr/share/catfish/catfish.svg -> /tmp/buildd/catfish-0.6.1/debian/catfish/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/catfish.svg

It does start now too, which was the RC issue before.