CellWriter 1.3.3

Fixed a number of long standing bugs.

Milestone information

Michael Levin
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download icon cellwriter_1.3.3-1_i386.deb (md5) Debian Etch/Ubuntu Package 38
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download icon cellwriter-1.3.3.tar.gz (md5) 1.3.3 source tarball 18
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Total downloads: 56

Release notes 

Fixed problem with profiles not saving if the tmp directory was not on the same partition as the profile.

Fixed a number of long standing bugs:
* Pango-related memory leak
* Black keyboard background
* Profile corruption
* Detects keyboard mapping changes while the program is running


View the full changelog

2008-01-25 Michael Levin <email address hidden>

        * main.c: The standard library rename() function can't handle moving
          across filesystems, this prevented the profile from being saved
          correctly -- created a new function, move_file(), to handle this

2008-01-24 Michael Levin <email address hidden>

        * cellwidget.c: Pango does not properly cleanup a FreeType Font Map
          object, this was causing a really nasty memory leak. CellWriter did
          not need to recreate the Font Map on every configure event, however,
          and removing this fixed the leak.
        * cellwidget.c, keywidget.c, options.c: Style colors are now available
          with GTK versions prior to 2.10. Should no longer get a black
          background for the keyboard.
        * main.c: Profiles are saved more carefully now -- a temporary file is
          written first and then moved in place of the old profile
        * Revision 1.3.2

2007-11-22 Michael Levin <email address hidden>

        * cellwidget.c: Hold-click timeouts are no longer interrupted by other
          timeouts and do not restart when the pointer is moved
        * cellwidget.c: Timeouts are now half a second long
        * options.c: Grid width limit raised to 48
        * cellwidget.c, keywidget.c, keyevent.c: Keyboard mappings are now
          updated before any key events are sent to catch any changes

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