Comment 1 for bug 1332539

Revision history for this message
James Page (james-page) wrote :

# neutron-api

## hooks/

### config_changed

Indentation of do_openstack_upgrade is out; global of CONFIG's is not required.

### identity_changed/neutron_api_relation_joined

I'm unclear as to why you need to pass keystone identity data from the neutron-api service to the nova-cc service - the nova-cc service will have it
s own set of access credentials and must implicity be related to the same keystone service in order to function.

'_get_keystone_info' will break if more than one keystone service unit is present as well - it just takes the last set of data found which could con
tain empty values.

Also why is the neutron-external-network configuration passed twice?

Are the relation attributed been writting directly into nova.conf in the nova-cloud-controller charm? Not sure I like this approach if so. I'd prefer to see a defined set of data being handled on both ends of the neutron-api relation.

Use of 'network_manager()' seems superflous - its always neutron in this case surely?

### neutron_plugin_api_relation_joined

This is a style preference - but I prefer to see relation data passed with '-' instead of '_' in the keys.

### ha_*

This all looks OK.

## hooks/

### NeutronCCContext

Lots of debug prints in this codebase still :-(.

## hooks/

Makes use of network_manager - this should always be neutron.

## make test

errors=6 - needs some mocking out - querying apt_cache for os_release alot.

## make lint

Needs fixing -

hooks/ E265 block comment should start with '# '

W: No icon.svg file.
W: no copyright file
W: no README file
I: missing recommended hook start
I: missing recommended hook stop

Steal the icon.svg from the quantum-gateway charm. copyright ditto - needs a good README.

## Re-merge NSX support

Needs to pickup the changes I made into nova-compute and nova-cc for NSX. I can help with this.