Chive 1.2 released

Written for chive by David Roth on 2012-10-27

In chive 1.2, the following bugs have been resolved:

#1015960 __DIR__ undefined on php < 5.3
#1018314 Big problem with UI and enums
#801186 date_default_timezone_set problem

The Phar-Package has now been marked as "experimental" as php`s phar support is far away from working reliable. We will continue to push chive`s phar support until php is getting more stable in this area.

For more information including detailed changelog check out this page:

Chive 1.2 can be downloaded here:

If you are using Linux, there is a very simple way to install Chive. Just run the following command to download and extract Chive:

wget -O -|tar -xzp

We hope that you will enjoy using Chive 1.2 and we are looking forward to receive your feedback in Launchpad (

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