Comment 6 for bug 1677710

Revision history for this message
Andreas Hasenack (ahasenack) wrote :

It's hard to reproduce the same error condition, as this happened during the development of a new feature (deploying ubuntu-core via MAAS). The closest I could get to it after some help from Ryan Harper was to run ds-identify on a normally deployed MAAS node with the current cloud-init and the proposed one, and check the results in /run/cloud-init/cloud.cfg.

Besides that, I also configured MAAS to enable the <release>-proposed pocket and the nodes deployed just fine, and with the new cloud-init from proposed installed.

For Yakkety:

With the current cloud-init, where the problem appears:
 *** 0.7.9-48-g1c795b9-0ubuntu1~16.10.1 500
        500 yakkety-updates/main amd64 Packages

# remove generated files
root@15-89:/run/cloud-init# rm cloud.cfg ds-identify.log

# cloud-init configuration, set via dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init and unchecking all items:
root@15-89:/run/cloud-init# cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg
# to update this file, run dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init
datasource_list: [ ]

# maas datasource config file, written to by MAAS:
root@15-89:/run/cloud-init# cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg_maas.cfg
# written by cloud-init debian package per preseed entries
# cloud-init/{maas-metadata-url,/maas-metadata-credentials}
  MAAS: {consumer_key: xCkt8HsCeFKXBgm5SD, metadata_url: '',
    token_key: 9pjmU6kjNAfdhe3xsJ, token_secret: kARCFjDaswVYDRLTSCTg9rrvXMjB7cGb}

# let's call ds-identify:
root@15-89:/run/cloud-init# unset DS_MAIN
root@15-89:/run/cloud-init# /usr/lib/cloud-init/ds-identify

# and we have no MAAS in cloud.cfg (somehow it thinks ec2 could be a candidate):
root@15-89:/run/cloud-init# cat cloud.cfg
datasource_list: [ Ec2, None ]
datasource: {Ec2: {strict_id: "warn"}}

# the ds-identify log file has
root@15-89:/run/cloud-init# cat ds-identify.log
DSLIST=MAAS ConfigDrive NoCloud AltCloud Azure Bigstep CloudSigma CloudStack DigitalOcean Ec2 OpenNebula OpenStack OVF SmartOS
ec2 platform is 'Unknown'.
check for 'Ec2' returned maybe
1 datasources returned maybe: Ec2
[up 10525.51s] returning 0

Now I install the package from proposed:
 *** 0.7.9-90-g61eb03fe-0ubuntu1~16.10.1 500
        500 yakkety-proposed/main amd64 Packages

And repeat the steps. This time I get:
root@15-89:/run/cloud-init# cat cloud.cfg
datasource_list: [ MAAS, None ]

And the ds-identify log has:
root@15-89:/run/cloud-init# cat ds-identify.log
DSLIST=MAAS ConfigDrive NoCloud AltCloud Azure Bigstep CloudSigma CloudStack DigitalOcean Ec2 GCE OpenNebula OpenStack OVF SmartOS
check for 'MAAS' returned found
ec2 platform is 'Unknown'.
check for 'Ec2' returned maybe
Found single datasource: MAAS
[up 10721.60s] returning 0